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Opinions of Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Columnist: Ackummey , Chris A.

Amidu And His Unending Battles With The NDC

Hon. Martin Amidu And His Unending Battles With The National Democratic Congress (Ndc)

Hon. Martin Amidu is a very respected member of the NDC party since its formation. He was a cadre, served as a Deputy Regional Secretary, a Deputy Attorney General, maturing into a substantive Minister of Justice in the Mills regime before his removal early this year for misdemeanor.

His commitment to the party was colossal until recently when observers begin to question his loyalty due to the way and manner in which he has been exposing the party to public attack through his utterances and write ups.

One wonders what has gone wrong that such a noble mind and loyal party man should go berserk and without any restrain or consideration of the effect of his actions and utterances on the party, continue to take the path of rocking the NDC boat.

The answer is not far to seek. As an Anlo man, I have been imbued with the saying from childhood that one does not point his left finger at his hometown. Literally it means that, you do not have to do anything to undermine the collective interest of your kinsmen.

I believe that Martin Amidu (Hon.) will have the equivalent of this saying in his local language, but the question is if this saying exists, has it made any impact on Martin or is he just disregarding this wise saying?

A lot of reasons can be ascribed to the attitude of Martin. I have been reluctantly inclined to come to the conclusion that he was just peeved at his removal for a behaviour which many including myself, thought was unacceptable and merits a sack or dismissal. It is tragedy at its highest apogee, and he like all tragic heroes, has a flaw in his personality which is responsible for his undoing.

It is alleged by many who know him that Martin has this flaw of trying to play to the public gallery and ending up losing on the societal binding influence and going solo, disrespecting and disregarding admonitions and views which are not in consonance with his thinking and belief.

A tree they say does not make a forest, but Martin thinks he can make a forest. I have read Mario Puzzo’s “Godfather” several times and has come to accept the wise advice of Don Cerleone that, you do not say no to people you like and when you want to say no, you do so to sound like a yes.

The big question is, why is Martin saying no to everybody and would now go to the extent of making utterances and putting up write – ups which simply goes to undermine the coronation or the elevation of his brother John Mahama? His present beef is with the NEC decision proposing John Mahama for endorsement by delegates at the forthcoming Special Delegates Conference.

You know Martin was the Vice Presidential candidate for the NDC at one time and definitely would have been a Vice President under the late President Mills and may be continue to become the President of this dear country, if the late President Mills had won at that time.

So why? Is it sheer or petty envy or jealousy? Is it just a matter of transfer of animosity and hatred which he has for the NDC party to President John Mahama? Is Martin not fighting a losing battle? Why is he starting a fight which he can’t win but will only result further in sending his reputation to the doldrums?

Of late, Martin has raised so many issues in public against the NDC, but the latest intention to provoke a constitutional crisis in the NDC and to undermine the NEC’s intention to put up President John Mahama for endorsement at the forthcoming special congress is unfortunate and mind boggling.

What does Martin really want to achieve? I believe he is the only one who could tell or he is the only one who knows why he continues to rock the NDC boat and also undermine his own integrity.

In his latest attack, he raised several issues ranging from what he calls the indecent haste of NEC in proposing President Mahama to be confirmed by a special congress, the imposition of the President John Mahama on the party as its 2012 flag bearer, the stampeding of NEC on the party to accept John Mahama, the closing of the door on other persons who might be interested in the party flag bearer ship, and also the alleged violation of Article 55(5) of the 1992 constitution.

Shakespeare says that even though this is madness, there is method in it. Like Shakespeare, I believe there is a method in Martin’s actions. Upon careful analysis of the submission of Martin, I have come to appreciate or understood some of the issues that he has raised. However, I am restrained not to go with him because Martin has neglected to consider the exigencies of the time. My Psychology lecturer, one Prof. Cooke always advised that at all times we must make an attempt to understand people who deviate from societal norms or thinking patterns, even if we do not agree with them. I understand Martin very well on the constitutional and legal issues raised, but I simply do not agree with him.

In my life on earth, I have also been guided by the wise saying that if you see the hawk hovering around and mother hen and the chicken are outside, it is unwise to start hurling insults at mother hen. You send mother hen and chicken to safety first and when the hawk is gone, you can now admonish mother hen. The time is out of joint now for Martin to raise these issues.

I have challenges with most of the issues raised by Martin. Does Martin not appreciate that we are in a very tight position and that time is of the essence? Does Martin not appreciate the relevance of the doctrine of necessity? Does he not appreciate that sometimes when elders and in this case the NEC take a decision which inures to the benefit of society, it must go unchallenged?

What Martin is saying is this, Yes John Mahama is legally acceptable to him to complete the unexpired terms of President Mills, and that must be all. As for the issue of flag bearer, “No” and that President Mahama like all others must fill nominations forms, be vetted, and elected at Congress. This position actually must be the case but does this approach help the party in its tight position presently? In situations like this the commonsense approach as adopted by NEC is deemed appropriate.

I personally salute the National Executive Counsel for coming up with the guidelines as provided for under the residual powers granted under the constitution. There is nothing illegal here and the commonsense approach or method is mostly appreciated.

I will end up with this saying which is also a common one in Anlo land, that when brothers fight, they must watch the eye. Hon. Martin Amidu is a brother and where he even wants to throw blows at us, he must watch our eyes.

To the Special Congress at Kumasi we must go and Hon. Martin Amidu must be there to add flavor to John Mahama’s endorsement.

Lawyer Chris A–Ackummey Member of the NDC