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Opinions of Friday, 22 December 2017

Columnist: Emmanuel Asamani

Amoako Tuffour vindicated

Dr. Amoako Tuffuor Dr. Amoako Tuffuor

A couple of months ago, Dr. Amoako Tuffour publicly stated that he used his resources to help the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and H.E. President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo to win the 2016 elections.

Dr. Amoako Tuffuor's statement attracted sour and repugnant responses from some political novices and ignoramuses.

However, he was vindicated on Sunday December 17, 2017, by Chairman Wontumi. At the just ended Extraordinary Delegates Congress of the NPP in Kumasi, Chairman Wontumi (Ashanti Regional Chairman of the NPP) publicly paid glowing tribute to Dr. Amoako Tuffuor's role in the success of the NPP in the 2016 elections.

He said Dr. Amoako Tuffuor spent his time, money, logistics, and physical strength to help the NPP gain victory. Chairman Wontumi further mentioned the free flow of wisdom, intelligence, prayers, and experience from Dr. Amoako Tuffuor.

The role of the Ashanti Region NPP in our 2016 election victory cannot be easily discounted: 1,647,274 valid votes, and 44 out of the NPP's 169 MP's (representing 26% of the seats). This package is no mean an achievement.

Now this: When will His Excellency the President himself publicly acknowledge and honour Dr. Amoako Tuffuor?

That's a question that begs an answer.