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Opinions of Saturday, 23 May 2015

Columnist: Dabbousi, Fadi

An Alibi? Political Amnesia of Braggarts

By: Fadi Dabbousi
I want to begin with a vehement condemnation of the dastardly acid attack on the late Upper East NPP regional chairman. Have Kwesi Pratt and John Jinapor forgotten the uncountable political atrocities that took place in this Country, recently and in the past, under the egregious madness of the NDC and its predecessor wicked governments? Interestingly, they, totally, forgot to make mention of the NDC attack on their own Western Regional Women's organiser in Takoradi, on Peace FM this morning, 22/05/2015. If they are suffering from political amnesia then they must be retards that are not welcome on the scene of the sensible and discerning professionals.
It is a sad time for the nation when such gross iniquity is the political fashion of the day. At first it was the theft of Ghanaian votes in favour of a criminally-inclined party. Then it was the coercion of a stolen verdict that had since resulted in disastrous governance of immeasurable proportions. Lately, the national scenario has transmogrified into a surly attempt to soil an opposition with a flagbearer, who is directly responsible for the peace of this country since the heinous disenfranchisement of the masses. And the cases of inhuman rage continue unabated by a group of lynching lunatics in office whose main aim is to deplete the coffers of the nation in any manner at all.
We are sad because the youth have lost a champion in effective governance; someone, who has always been at the forefront of the fight for people’s rights. This time around, because of a misunderstanding, it would seem that an alibi played an effective role in smearing the NPP, except that it was quickly arrested as people discerned the meaning between the incidents and other pertinent stories unfolding.
Word making the rounds has it that this gory murder is an NPP affair but the truth, it is suspected, would seem that it is a perfect alibi of a more sinister hand of people in power.
We shall keep our guns silent until the Police have, effectively, concluded their investigations. Then we shall be all over the perpetrators and those behind this criminal agenda if government does not bring them to book; for they are used to hiding incriminating reports like that of the mysterious death of H.E the late President Atta mills.
A final word to those involved in this crime: you will never escape justice. At least, the Police, this time around, are sitting up straight.