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Opinions of Thursday, 3 September 2015

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

An Alleged Omanhene has Been Nicknamed “Ogu agoro”

Once in Ghana in the 1960s, Osofo Dadzie of the then only and most popular TV drama called "Osofo Dadzie" was teasingly out of anger, nicknamed by the spectating youth as "Ogu agoro". Whenever he appeared in the drama at the later stages, everybody knew he had come to bring the play to a closure and truly as perceived, he always did. However, left to the youth watching the play, the drama had better go on and on, or went on much longer. Subsequently, they nicknamed him "Ogu agoro".

The fans of the drama were not happy with Osofo Dadzie at all. He would always come to bring it to an end when people were really enjoying the play.

In a manner reminiscent of Osofo Dadzie, an alleged Omanhene of Kumawu going by the Stool name Barimah Sarfo Tweneboah Koduah has unconsciously become, and nicknamed, "Nana Ogu Agoro". Whenever he attends the funeral of anyone in Kumawu, whether on invitation or on his own volition, the gathered mourners and sympathisers move out from the funeral ground in droves barely had he set foot there. This is an expression that they dislike him for being whom and what he is. They do not see him as their Omanhene and so hate him for portraying himself as such.

How painfully insulting for him to be treated with that level of scorn which he probably so deserves? Why should the people entertain a puppet in whom Kumawuhemaa and Asantehene seek to exploit Kumawuman to a hilt? The suffering masses of Kumawuman could be poor, but they are not stupid. They are not ready to allow anyone to underrate their intelligence, no matter the status of such persons in the traditional or public life of Ghana. Whether such persons are traditional Overlords with presumed powers to take decisions that no court in Ghana can reverse no matter how prejudicial or preposterous the decisions are.

In sum, the behaviour of the mourners leaving the funeral ground upon sighting Dr Yaw Sarfo (Barimah Sarfo Tweneboah Koduah) about to step foot there is a clear indication of not only the people's indignation towards him, but also, their rejection of him as Kumawu Omanhene.

When he set foot at Otuo's funeral some months ago, most of the people he met there left the funeral ground. Just two days ago, as soon as he arrived at where the late Kumawu Manwerehene is laid in state hoping to pay him his last respect, about 75% of the mourners present hurriedly left the place.

It is said, "Se Nyame ansi wo ohene na wo ko t3 ahenkye hye a, obiara ne ho a obesom wo3". This means, "nobody will worship you even if you choose to wear a kingly crown as long as God has not made you a chief". This is currently the fate of Dr Yaw Sarfo (Barimah Sarfo Tweneboah Koduah), the puppet that Kumawuhemaa, Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II and Asanteman Council have dubiously arranged to make him Kumawuhene.

God is proving to Yaw Sarfo that He, God, has no hand in his enstoolment hence moving to get rid of him. Without the subjects' massive support, one cannot become a king or a chief.

For more information, please phone to your contacts in Kumawu. Nobody can take on God in a fierce spiritual, psychological and, or physical contest and hope to prevail. God will give such a human being, his handiwork of course, a knockout blow!

This is a warning to "Ashanti Nana" and his cronies. If I were Dr Yaw Sarfo, I would advise myself. I would long be gone. If he doesn't jump by himself, God will certainly push him over the "kingly" precipice.

Rockson Adofo