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Opinions of Sunday, 26 April 2009

Columnist: Agbozo, Enoch Immanuel A.

An Open Letter To The Government, Chiefs, Elders And People Of Ghana

Bro. Enoch Immanuel A. Agbozo


PEACE BE UNTO THE PEOPLE OF GHANA, the nation and people chosen, married and made HOLY unto the MOST HIGH GOD.

PEOPLE OF GHANA, let us celebrate the LORD GOD JEHOVAH the Creator of heaven and earth and the LORD JESUS CHRIST, Son of the Living God, Saviour, Redeemer and Restorer of glory to man, peoples, nations and the world. Let us celebrate the GOODNESS and MERCY of GOD towards our beloved country reconciled, delivered, redeemed and named BEULAH, the NEW JERUSALEM by the Most High.

Ghana, Beulah is set on the path of Greatness and Glory, Peace, Righteousness and Justice, Progress, Prosperity and Joy in the Hand of God. The redeemer and glory of the New Ghana, Beulah, is the Most High God. He Jehovah shall be the builder of Beulah. God the Creator shall be the strength and glory of the palaces, that is, homes and institutions in Ghana. Jehovah shall be known as the Salvation, Refuge and Defence of Ghana. Beautiful Ghana make God the Creator your boast and joy. Hallelujah!

Beloved people of Ghana, the Lord God of Hosts will have me inform the nation that there is a voice of dissent, rebellion and the rejection of Him the Creator in the land. According to Him, this voice of discord and dissent is challenging the rationale for Ghana celebrating JESUS CHRIST, the Saviour and Redeemer, and Hope of the nation at Easter. They contend that it is the BIG SIX that redeemed Ghana. It is they that laid down their lives for Ghana, and have made Ghana have freedom and liberty.

According to the Almighty God, to this group of people, there is nothing special or any mystery about the death of Jesus Christ to warrant any celebration.

The Lord has asked me to answer this voice of dissent in the land by telling them that the Big Six are in hell. That they wish they can come back to life to tell Ghanaians that WHEN YOU ARE DYING FOR THE LAND GHANA, DIE RATHER FOR THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY and FOR JESUS CHRIST. Sacrifice and lay down your life for the Creator not just for your land so your name will rise high on top. All that is useless and vanity, says the Lord.

Because of this misplaced confidence in the Big Six, saith the LORD, the people of dissent have set out to consult the Big Six by calling their spirits so that they can have the spirit and strength that made them lay down their lives for the country.

Whilst this is going on, the departed spirits themselves wish they could come back to life and declare to all “when you serve the land Ghana, which is your motherland, remember the Creator, first and foremost of all. He is the One that you should be proud of laying down your life for. You need to know His work and His direction and not what you think you can do for a name, which is in vain.

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The pity of it all is that the Big Six rejected God in their bid to fight for the land. They rejected Jesus Christ and had no place for God in their plans hence they are in hell to-day.

The LORD would want His servant tell the nation, “I have already laid down the foundation of the land. I have already designed how Ghana must be and at the time which I will change it to Beulah. And when that time came I changed it to Beulah. They the Big Six had no part in it. I didn’t reason with them. When I laid the foundation of Ghana, when I made the plans of Ghana, I did not consult them and they do not know the tomorrow of Ghana”.

According to the LORD, People do not know the tomorrow of Ghana, yet they are planning for fifty years ahead to come. They do not know what they are planning about so they go and consult the dead, thinking that it is they that laid down their lives and shed their blood for the country.

In this state of confusion, the people of discord and dissent try to pit the blood of the dead to the blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God shed for the remission of sin, for the reconciliation and redemption of peoples, nations and the world, and for the establishment of peace, righteousness and joy in the nations.

Now, it is the Almighty God Creator who holds the world in His hands. All the nations are but a bucket in His hands. Happily, it is in His holy, majestic and blessed hands that He has placed chosen Ghana. That has made Beulah a royal diadem and crown of glory in His hands.

That is to say the destiny and glory of Ghana is in the Hands of the Most High. God is the redeemer, builder as well as glory of the nation. Any efforts to design, build and establish Ghana outside the Divine ordered and redeemed Beulah is an exercise in futility. Says the Lord, “Let them know that they have failed and they will continue to fail because THEY DO NOT KNOW TOMORROW. I have never revealed it to them and I will never reveal it to them because my name is Jehovah and the glory must be ascribed unto Me alone.”

Concluded the LORD, “And let them know I made Ghana, Beulah what it is and therefore they must recognize and come to Me for consultation. I shall give them direction. “What a privilege! What a blessing Beulah!”

People of Ghana, let us rejoice and make our boast in the God of our salvation.

April 21, 2009

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