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Opinions of Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

An Open Letter to Kumawuhemaa and ...

....Dr Yaw Sarfo (Kumawuhene-elect)

Dear Traditional Leaders,

Would you please permit me to address you today, Sunday 2 November 2014, bringing to your attention some public concerns raised over your recent attitudes that are very untraditional, and also, contravene stipulated statutory regulations?

To start with, Kumawuhemaa, by your insolence, short-sightedness, callousness and abundance of ill-wish towards Kumawuman, your probable place of birth, you are unfit to hold on to your position, let alone, collude with Asantehene, your once boyfriend, to impose a candidate after your heart as Kumawuhene on the noble, peaceful but once warrior people of Kumawuman.

I am very much aware of your connivance with Asantehene to dispose of hundreds of thousands of Kumawu Afram Plains stool lands to some Norwegian business tycoon. I became privy to the deal right from the very inception of the process when Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, arranged through his Secretary to contact (name withheld), an Ankaase family member, for the site plan and documentations on the land as were demarcated, established and prepared by Sir Francis Fuller. The person was not in agreement with Asantehene selling the land to the Norwegians, but instead, suggested to him the land had rather better be allocated in portions to any citizens of Kumawuman willing to go into farming, with yearly payment of royalties from them into the Traditional Council’s coffers.

This is about five to six years ago. Asantehene dubiously proceeded to survey the land however; sold it to the Norwegians. However, a court injunction was sought by two concerned Kumawu citizens to prevent the Whites from utilizing the land as intended. I have copies of the Writ of Summons with a detailed report and authenticated papers proving Asantehene has absolutely no right of ownership to any Omanhene’s land within Asanteman, let alone, Kumawuman.

Nana Hemaa, you still contacted the Whites to pay you US$500,000 (five-hundred thousand US dollars). They denied you the payment knowing neither you nor Asantehene has the power to lease or sell the land to them but a Kumawuhene. I am also aware how you had collected a Bank Statement from the Bank of Ghana indicating how much money Kumawuman has in her blocked accounts with the Bank. Have you not agreed on ceding a 50% of the sum to Asantehene Osei Tutu II if he helped you enthrone Dr Yaw Sarfo as Kumawuhene? This goes to explain the motive of Asantehene walking over all existing laws, both traditional and statutory, to impose Dr Yaw Sarfo on Kumawuman.

Going back to Dr Yaw Sarfo, let me please inform you that your chiefship does not come from God. The Ankaases are not the relation of Barimah Tweneboah Koduah I, the originator of the Kumawu Koduah Stool. Your Ankaase family members are not matrilineal descendants of Barimah Tweneboah Koduah I as it’s erroneously and dubiously being claimed by Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, but the Ananangyas and the Odumases are. This assertion is historically correct, a gospel truth, and a fact that can withstand any litmus test.

Kumawuhemaa and Asantehene in connivance with Asanteman Council have installed you Kumawuhene, a soft touch they see in you, to facilitate their access to one-half of the Kumawuman funds sitting in the Bank of Ghana for the past 35+ number of years and also, to get you to sign away the much discussed Kumawu Afram Plains lands to Asantehene, releasing the Norwegians from their current situational limbo.

Swearing-in of Kumawuhene is not done in the palace under bolts and locks with police men, soldiers and macho men surrounding the building like erected scaffolding around a building under construction in Europe or the Americas. This is a clear indication of your reign not coming from God.

Now that you are the paramount chief of Kumawu which I personally, do not recognise you as such, let us see how Asantehene and Kumawuhemaa are going to manipulate you to ruin Kumawuman same as the late Barimah Asumadu Sakyi II did.

You are not the choice of the people. Kumawuhemaa paid the Kingmakers bribes to secure you the position. The evidence is clearly on YouTube under the heading, “Asantehene involves in corruption”.

Read my open letters to the Chief Justice (Mrs Georgina Theodora Woods) and the Kumasi Human Rights Court judge (Justice Paul K. Richardson) to see how Asantehene tampered with justice to have you enthroned as Kumawuhene because of his totally insatiably greedy and selfish agenda.

Once again, you are not the people’s chief so you had better advise yourself. Ankaase people are my friends but YOU ARE NOT THE TRUE ROYALS. Woe betides you should you sign for Asantehene to steal our land and money!

Watch the video posted on YouTube on “Asantehene involves in corruption “in terms of the Warrington Notes, (Article 13 of the Warrington Notes on STOOL DISPUTES, “The offering and taking of bribes to influence an election by candidates, elders and young men was declared in 1941 to be illegal. If a candidate does so he loses his right to election on that occasion (only); and if a stool holder does so it is a ground for destoolment. The nomination, installation or election of a person not entitled to the stool is also a ground for destooling the person who does any of these acts”); Dr Kofi Abrefa Busia’s book, “THE POSITION OF CHIEF IN THE MODERN POLITICAL SYSTEM OF ASHANTI” - pages 210 to 212 on - “1938. Item 5. The offering and accepting bribes in connexion with election and destoolment of Chiefs; ACTS OF GHANA: Criminal Code, 1960 (Act 29) – THE CRIMINAL CODE (AMENDMENT) ACT, 2003 (ACT 646); and the 1992 Constitution. How do you justify your ascension to the Kumawu Koduah Stool?

Sincerely yours,

Rockson Adofo