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Opinions of Thursday, 23 October 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

An Open Letter to the Chief Justice

Dear Chief Justice,

I am getting worried about the overall lack of demonstrable integrity by the Ghanaian Court judges. By the trend of their verdicts delivered, one can assertively declare that Ghanaian judges are very unprofessional, corrupt and are a disgrace unto themselves and unto the nation. They have allowed corruption to overrule their minds. They have become strangers in their own field of study, with themselves become enemies to the ethics of the law profession.

Under your very watch, Supreme Court Justice William Atuguba and his colleagues made a mockery of the Ghanaian legal system with their declaration of verdict on Election 2012 petition that attracted public and international condemnations. The live telecast of the court proceedings of Election 2012, with the obvious major lies told by Dr Kwadwo Afari Gyan, the Chairman of the Electoral Commission, coupled with the despotic behaviour by William Atuguba, were more than enough to underscore the injustice that took place.

It became public knowledge, either correctly or wrongly, that Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II had played an underhand role; inducing some of the judges with bribes to rule the case in favour of President John Mahama. About 99% of the Ghanaian population are suffering from various types of socio-economic hardships all because of Asantehene and the corruptibility of the judges.

On Friday 17 October 2014, a Kumasi-based Human Rights Court judge imitated William Atuguba (JSC). He simply refused to play an evidential video recorded tape submitted to the court attesting to the occurrence of briberies initiated and executed by Kumawuhemaa and Asanteman Council of Chiefs. From the time of walking into the courtroom to declaring his verdict took only about five minutes. He said, “I will not play the video tape. I have dismissed the Kumawu case. Kumawuhemaa should go ahead and enthrone her candidate as Kumawuhene”. He then rose and walked out of the courtroom.

From the in-depth research work made from the British Library, the evidence gathered from the Oxford University Library and the purchase of some rare books (Ashanti Law & Constitution by R. S. Rattray, The Position of the Chief in the Modern Political System of Ashanti by K. A. Busia, Warrington’s Notes on Ashanti Custom prepared for the use of District Commissioners by J. N. Matson, etc.) coupled with the 1992 Ghana Constitution and the CRIMINAL CODE, 1960 (ACT 29) - (Consolidated up to 1999) - THE CRIMINAL CODE (AMENDMENT) ACT, 2003 (ACT 646); involving oneself in bribery is a criminal offence punishable by law. It is more serious when it is to do with enstoolment cases.

Why should the judge be unduly influenced by you or by President Mahama to throw out the Kumawu case brought to court for justice to be served? Do you not realise that by your actions and inactions as judges, you are making Ghana an unsafe country to live in? A breakdown in law in any country is a recipe for disaster. Why should the overseers of justice be the very people to relish in the institution of injustices? Does it make sense? Can the Ghanaian judges be any match for their white contemporaries? I am afraid not. Subsequently, they have to bow down their heads in shame for failing the public as they have done and continue to do.

By the corruption in perpetration by the judiciary, you are unconsciously pushing Ghana to the brink of disaster. Kumawu will soon be on the precipice of agitation. You, as the Chief Justice, will have yourself to blame for whatever dangerous situation that Kumawu plunges into as a result of your inability to ensure justice prevails in Ghana.

For the second consecutive time, Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, has been given the unfettered freedom to influence court decisions to the detriment of the public. This time around, the people of Kumawuman shall resist his evilness and excess influence on the Ghana judiciary.

Someone in London has in his possession a copy of the video tape that the court refused to play. Kumawuhemaa gave some of the tapes to her accomplices with the intent to have them played in public. She would then run to court to inform them that the complainants are the source of its leak into the public domain. This was to get the court punish the complainants for contempt of court, hoping to have the judge rule in her favour.

However, as man proposes but God disposes, a copy of the tape has found its way abroad. It shall be made public by some Kumawuman citizens resident abroad. This coupled with my research work, we shall advise ourselves. Asantehene shall NEVER be allowed to toy with Kumawu. He had better learn Ashanti and Kumawu history properly. He is looking for trouble and he will have it.

We are advising ourselves and if agreed, copies of the tapes will be circulated as wished by the queen. The circulation will be supported by addenda of my research work with possible interviews granted to Source radio UK online as from Friday, 24 October 2014.

However nasty things become, I blame it on your head, Madam the Chief Justice. I would wish you resign your position if you cannot control the fondness by the Ghanaian judges of accepting bribes to twist the truth and judgment, most of the time. It is a disgrace when such judges are ordered from above to pronounce stupid judgments that contrast with the law and the credible evidence submitted to court as it was the case with Kumawu. I hope you will begin to get your act together from today forward.

Yours Faithfully,

Rockson Adofo