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Opinions of Sunday, 21 December 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

An Open Letter to the European Economic Area (EEA)

Dear EEA Joint Parliamentary Committee,

A recent publication in the Ghanaian newspapers and their corresponding internet websites, throwing me into an oxymoronic state, has necessitated the publication of this open letter to you. The publication was titled, "EU withholds £135 million budget support to Ghana over payroll malfeasance".

The total withdrawal of the budget support will further jeopardize the circumstances of those poor, but well-meaning, Ghanaians, to whom it was intended. However, it will be a defeatist idea, if not a complete daylight robbery, on the European taxpayers from whom the money originates, if their money intended for specific good purposes, rather ends up in the pockets of Ghanaian corrupt politicians and their agents and assigns.

I am totally on the side of the European taxpayers that they demand transparency and accountability from any country that they offer budget support to. Their money should not go to bolster the propensity to steal by the lazy, but insatiably greedy, politicians, of the recipient-countries. Why should the fruit of their sweat be enjoyed gluttonously by these myopic, callous and self-seeking politicians at the expense of the donor and the largely poor population to whom the money was intended? That is not right!

Being in such a mixed-feeling state of mind, I would please suggest that you do not give the current Ghanaian politicians any room to manoeuvre with intent to exploit or divert your money meant for good purposes, into other areas that they stand to benefit as egoistic individuals as they are. Subsequently, would you please mind using the money to carry out the very projects spelt out in the budget for which your budget support money is needed? If the money is needed for say, the construction of roads, hospitals or schools please get your own engineers in; pay the money to them to construct such projects. Never give the money directly to the recipient-countries where they happen to be African or other third world countries. Most of the politicians are not honest. They are simply into politics to make money but not to make good name for themselves.

The current government in Ghana is mischievously corrupt to the core. The level of her nonchalance about the plight of the suffering Ghanaian masses, but joyful involvement in corrupt practices, is amazing. How do you entrust such a government with donor's goodwill money?

If the money is meant for paying teachers or nurses, then I will suggest the EAA go down to the ground to assess which school teachers, which area of the country they are, which subject areas they cover, how many they genuinely are, etc., that are to benefit from it. You should then register them biometrically, using your own specially designed machines and database-stored information for monthly or periodical payment checks or verifications.

Without these processes in place, I am afraid whatever money you donate to Ghana under the present "near-institutional corruption" period; the government will squander the money. Additionally, please do introduce laws that will compel the EEA banks to not accept unexplained, likely to be stolen, huge sums of money, from African or Ghanaian politicians. The banks may be requested to initiate methods obliging these politicians to explain their sources of money. These are some of the ways by which EEA can help Ghana curtail the frightening level of corruption being persistently shamelessly spearheaded and perpetrated by the government.

I trust the EEA can assist Ghana find durable solutions to some of her corrupt practices to help better the general standard of living for Ghanaians.

Yours Sincerely,

Rockson Adofo