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Opinions of Thursday, 6 June 2013

Columnist: Akpah, Prince

An Open Letter to the Minister of Transport

Hello, Hon. Dzifa Attivor,

It is my singular honour to write you this public letter. Straight to the purpose of writing this letter, it is to me a case in point about how we can all help to improve upon the transportation sector here in Ghana. But before I continue, congratulations for your elevation from being a deputy minister to a minister. Your sector is a very big one which includes aviation, railway, roads etc. Also before I continue since my letter is focused on the road and railway transport systems, let me congratulate your ministry on attaining another land to put up a new international airport for Ghana.

First out of the gate, recently when watching the Man of the Year Awards 2012 in Nigeria, which was won by your colleague female minister, Chief Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, the chairman of silverbird group, Mr. Ben Murray-Bruce who was the organizers of the event made a very important and recommendable suggestion to ministers present which most of them couldn't deny how brilliant the idea was. First was the about subsidizing urban transport. He was of the view that when we may not be able to subsidize petroleum products which always result in putting money into the pockets of the rich we should rather subsidize the prize of transportation. He was also of the view that so many workers use half of their salaries on transportation in and out of their work places. Our petroleum has just being increased because of lack of subsides but if we can be able to subsidize lorry fares which are likely to go up again the poor person can also save some more money for other plans.

Worth mentioning also out of his submission was the impotence of the railway sector. We all know that transporting people with trains are very cheap and affordable but we still do not do the right thing to improve upon this sector. A testimony to that was the recent crushing of someone's head by a plane. The first time I saw a train, it was an eye saw of how people hanged on it. Some were just using their arms in holding some places which was very dangerous because if they fall the driver of the train may not get to know to stop the train. It is because they know that it is what they can afford because it is cheap and may not eat deep into their salaries. Let’s upgrade our rail lines and provide more trains to take over just as how metro mass is also operating.

At length, we all want a better future and that is why we need to set the foundation better. I would love to see your composure about this letter soon. Take the greatest care of our ministry and do according to Holye. Good luck and God speed for all your endeavours. Thank You.

Yours Faithfully,

Akpah Prince.

[email protected].