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Opinions of Friday, 3 February 2006

Columnist: GNA

An innocent eye in the storm

A GNA colour by Samuel Osei-Frempong

Accra, Feb. 3, GNA - Red bands made from red calico strips hanged around the necks of an emotionally charged members of the Minority, who had painted a spectacle reserved for the strong hearted. Their countenance suggested sorrow, pain, anger and mistrust for a Bill they had long considered as a monster whose creation would precipitate funerals.

But an innocent eye of a female member from the Eastern Head Office glittered with delight at the sight of the sea of reds in the Parliamentary Chamber.

As they drummed and blew whistles, her giggles and dimples soften the little space she occupied.

She had also wrapped around her neck the red strip and allowed it to rest on her gorgeous body concealed in a well-cut dress. Like a little girl in the middle of a festival procession, she savoured the occasion with relish.

The day had begun with a series of question hurled against the Minister of Education.

As soon as the Speaker announced that the Representation of the People (Amendment) Bill was to be taken, the left side of the Chamber went red.

They had rolled out whistles, stiffened their fingers and girded their loins to drum on the surface of the joinery they used as tables. Their strategies had been perfectly crafted but fell through one after the other as the day wore on.

A member had used the Standing Orders to make a case that the Bill had out stayed its time at the committee level. Another member said there was a writ pending in Court so any attempt to proceed with the second reading of the Bill would be prejudicial to his interest.

Nevertheless, their determination steeled them through bouts of failures in a day certainly not made for them. Mr Alban Bagbin, the Minority Leader, read a long speech that nearly diluted the substance of their argument. They had opposed the Bill on grounds of legal and administrative imperfections. He had a standing ovation from his compatriots and an unuttered disdain from the other side.

Deep in the sea of reds, deep in the drumming and singing, the glittering innocent eyes still looked unconnected. Her soft, girlish and cool countenance will for a long time to come hold the memory of a day coloured by rumours of discontent and the reality of disagreement in a Parliamentary Chamber. 3 Feb. 06