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Opinions of Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Columnist: Adjei Boakye

An open letter to anti-corruption crusaders

The writer, Adjei Boakye The writer, Adjei Boakye

Corruption has been one of the serious issues in our piece of the world. What pesters me is that it's the best inhibitor of progress in public development.

A country like our own has not been saved from this lethal's bleeding...and it results in extreme weakness.

As responsible citizens, we shouldn't on any day fight the constitutional frameworks in place against corruption...and we shouldn't create any scene as though just a privileged few can just assist and find an antidote to this dangerous illness. In the journey to oversee it, doesn't mean we should pull or peer down our Constitutional set down structures.

A lot of our institutions have been undermined as the battle against corruption is concerned, however, that doesn't mean we ought to throw all procedures (proper) and structures to the canines.

To Crusaders

We need many individuals with that daring soul to help battle this "infection" which has influenced contrarily earlier and post Independence.

We need individuals who have acknowledged to face this disease irrespective of how hazardous the sickness is.

In any case, we shouldn't fail to remember that, we are all human, guided by standards and some virtues. All of us, are being guided by something we believe in...but that doesn't supersede the interest of the nation.

You helping the nation to battle against this virus doesn't warrant your "tidiness".

All are not unadulterated and our suppositions and contemplations impact us a ton in the entirety of our dealings. However, what astounded me is that, it appears to be these crusaders are allergic to criticism.

This kind of sensitivity regularly creates superfluous warmth in the framework and render the vast majority of their insightful piece "pointless".

On occasion, they fail to remember that, in our democratic rule settings, we as a whole offer perspective and acknowledge assessments of others, however, it appears to be, a few alleged "sacred Popes" consistently want to always sound right.

Sounding right shouldn't on any day peers down others view. There is a saying that "a leader who doesn't value criticism won't go far" and I do relate my great self to this one.

We build up a nation with dissenting views or opinions...we meet up, we share thoughts and we set a characterized course. Showing this kind of disposition sounds undemocratic and I think you should cease from it.


Opinion resemble noses, it accompanies its own size and shape, and we ought to give a valiant effort to accommodate all. The sensitivity is turning out to be unbecoming...and it won't help us in our democratic based settings. This will rather repress and disintegrate the victories we have slashed so far as a nation. We need to place as a primary concern that, our democratic system has 3 principle sides: your opinion, my feeling, and the truth....but reality stands tall.

Tolerating people's views doesn't make you shows how experienced and mature you are. This is an ideal opportunity to acknowledge all, sifter and pick the great ones which can assist you with advancing in your day by day battle against corruption. A few reactions may sound shocking however never on any day expect a 100% approval rating.

I actually like the acts of kindness you are exhibiting... Mother Ghana needs you for it to survive. In any case, that doesn't mean you should shoot down others' opinions.

Keep in mind, comments are free however realities are sacred!

National Development is a collective effort.

For God and Country.

Much obliged to you.