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Opinions of Saturday, 18 June 2022

Columnist: andrecarlos77

An open letter to the incoming Vice Chancellor of UDS

Prof. Seidu Alhassan Prof. Seidu Alhassan

Dear Prof. Seidu Alhassan,

Permit me to add my voice to the numerous messages you have received from across the country, in saying a big congratulations to you on your appointment as the Vice Chancellor for the University for Development Studies. Though marred by some miscommunication, subsequent confusion, the dust has now settled and we are happy finality has been brought to the issue. I am particularly excited about your appointment because, I believe you come with the fresh blood the University needs to change positively.

Prof VC, positive change, as far as our dear University is concerned, is something that has eluded us over the past few years and I will not like to point fingers at anyone behind our stagnation but draw your attention to some pertinent issues which need addressing when you take office in September. I am certain, that considering your love for the University and your keenness, some of these issues are not new to you.

Prof VC, you will agree with me that Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has become the backbone for several operational activities in Universities in Ghana and around the world. The lack or inefficiency of which, spells doom for the University, its staff, students and alumni alike. I regret to say that, though aging as an institution, an inefficient ICT infrastructure has become a significant cause of our stunted growth as an institution. From application for admission, checking of admission status, payment of school fees, registration of courses, checking of trimester results and acquisition of transcripts, the frustrations students face is enormous and will need your immediate attention upon your resumption of office.

Sir, prospective students are not left out of these frustrations as there have been many instances where people find it difficult accessing the application portal even after purchasing the e-voucher. Some have resorted to contacting staff at the central administration because the helplines provided are not helpful to them.

It is sad to know that, at UDS, you could easily lose your admission, if you delay in printing your admission letter when the admission lists are released, because the lists keep being updated with new names with some of the old names being deleted. I have witnessed isolated instances of prospective students being unable to make payments at the bank due to “system” challenges which subsequently went on to affect their registration.

Prof, I speak for many when I say that, UDS students are the most frustrated and depressed when it comes to ICT issues. Whiles some students are unable to register their semester courses despite haven paid fees, some others who haven’t paid fees have had their names credited and are able to register. These issues go on to affect their ability to see their previous semester results. It is sad to know that, some students have lost funding opportunities, with many others on the verge of losing same because they haven’t been able to print out copies of their statements of results.

Students with these problems are usually directed to the ICT directorate with many returning with unresolved problems. As an astute educationist, Prof VC, I am certain that you appreciate the extent to which these problems can affect the education of us students. The quality of internet on campus is nothing to write home about as it is characterized by instability and difficulty to access and students have had to explore alternative sources of internet.

Sir, past students are not left out of these troubles as many who have returned to collect their transcripts have had to return it due to numerous errors that they find in them. Some students have received transcripts with GPAs that do not match the classes they graduated with. Others have seen courses in their transcripts they never took whiles others have courses they took and passed either being present as a trailed course or not being present on the transcript at all. Some others did not see courses they trailed in but saw results of the re-sit exams.

There have been instances where past students, through foreign Universities have requested for transcripts and a mistake ridden transcript forwarded to the institution. All these bring credibility issues and many past students have lost scholarship opportunities with many more set to lose same because of the inefficiencies of our ICT systems. It is only a matter of time before a class action is brought against this institution.

Sir, I could site countless examples, but these may just pass as rumours as I cannot attach the relevant documentary evidence in this writeup. However, Prof VC, I believe that being as proactive as I hear you are, you will, at your own time investigate these matters and find a lasting solution to it. As a recent past student, who graduated in 2021, I applied for my transcript, so as to be prepared for any opportunities which will come my way for postgraduate studies.

To my surprise however, I was told that transcripts could not be printed until January of 2022. In January 2022, upon a follow up, a transcript was printed for me, but not without errors. I would have considered myself the unlucky one but I soon found out that there are several others with similar problems. Many past students are bitter, with several others regretting the decision to attend this University and I believe that your success story as a VC will be 60% complete if you address these issues.