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Opinions of Sunday, 22 July 2018

Columnist: Mohammed Abdul Hanan EL-Saeed

An outraged policeman

Frederick Amanor was recorded brutally assaulting in a banking hall Frederick Amanor was recorded brutally assaulting in a banking hall

I am shuttered and appalled by the viral video of a Police Officer subjecting a woman and her baby to senseless callous abuse in a banking hall.

This horrifying video typifies an untrained, uneducated and unconscionable hoodlum who has no business being a police officer even for a minute second.

My stomach is burning and my heart is beating uncontrollably upon seeing this shocking video and I want to make a few preliminary comments about this by urging every police officer on Facebook to condemn this in no uncertain terms whilst we wait for the administration to begin the necessary administrative processes to throw this guy out of the service for what he is worth.

He is unfit, ill tempered, ill mannered, indisciplined, and a rascal who doesn't deserve to put on the police uniform.

His behavior is hugely distressing, annoying, and coming on the heals of the Asawasi incident, this is bound to aggravate the anger of the people expressed on various platforms including social media against the service.

I am just lost for words to phantom why such an uncoof individual will be allowed to embarrass all of us in this manner.

I am greatly outrage, scandalize, alarmed disgusted to the point of loosing my head.

I swear that I will put my eyes, ears and nose on the ground to follow this matter with the best of attention it deserves to repel and revolt lawfully with the little ink God has blessed me with so that this case doesn't end up without the guy facing the maximum sanctions for stooping so low and embarrassing all of us.

It is because of such idiots in the service that we are facing bad PR and people like me will not sit down, skin our teeth and allow them to continue to drag our collective image into the mud.

This behavior is not only sickening, nauseating, offensive to the sensibilities of all right thinking police men and women of the service, it touches/hurts/defiles the very oaths we swore to protect the people.

I shall be back! Before then, I urge all of us to condemn the unprofessional behavior of this police officer in the best possible way that we all can so that the public will know that we don't support such tyrannical behaviors in the service.

My name is Mohammed Abdul Hanan EL-Saeed aka Painkiller and I am here to say that I am very very angry today.

Mohammed Abdul Hanan EL-Saeed
[email protected]