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Opinions of Friday, 29 June 2018

Columnist: John Asare

Anas Aremeyaw Anas; The shattered credibility of a saint

Investigative journalist, Anas Aremeyaw Anas Investigative journalist, Anas Aremeyaw Anas

A rather boastful Anas Aremeyaw Anas proclaimed to the world he had nailed the biggest fish in the Gulf of Guinea.

Ghanaians expectantly waited with bated breath to catch a glimpse of what he had uncovered. Dubbed #No12, the much-awaited exposé on corruption in football in Ghana was premiered on the 6th day of June 2018.

Prior to that, the general public would be inundated with bits and pieces of what the video contained. The people were told that President Akufo-Addo and some of his top men had received a mention in a video that targeted footballers, much to the surprise of many people, an event that delighted the opposition NDC to the core.

The NDC saw Mr Kwesi Nyantakyi's mention of President Akufo-Addo and the Vice President as a propaganda meal that they could eat for eternity. The video was premiered as promised with a wide section of Ghanaians expressing shock at some of the scenes which were shown.

The beleaguered President of the Ghana Football Association, Kwesi Nyantakyi, was obviously the target of the video. The entire investigations revolved around Kwesi Nyantakyi. He was accused of having taken a 'bribe' in that façade of a business meeting held between the then GFA President and the supposed rich businessmen.

While the matter is being litigated at the law court, the Honourable Member of Parliament for Assin Central, Kennedy Agyapong hinted that Anas is a rogue businessman. He insisted that he had enough evidence to prove to the world that the gentleman is the direct opposite of what he presents himself to Ghanaians.

Many doubting Thomases would berate Kennedy Agyapong for his 'too-known' posturing. Many had dismissed him and the evidence he claimed to have against Anas Aremeyaw Anas.

Abdul-Malik Kwaku Baako has been busy working like a Trojan providing a defence for his son, Anas. Kennedy Agyapong insisted that the Anas he has come to know is a far cry from the angelic figure he is seen out there.

A date was set for the premiere of #WhoWatchestheWatchman. It was to be shown at the forecourt of KenCity Media Network in Madina, a suburb of Accra. Minutes crawled into hours, hours travelled into days, and days sauntered, but the slated 27th June came at last.

Pensively, hundreds of people travelled from far away distances to feast their eyes on #WhoWatchestheWatchman. It was also shown on Net2, an affiliate of KenCity Media Network.

One would denounce the early scenes contained in the video as useless. One would attempt to sleep through the showing of the video since the scenes being shown were not up to expectations.

As some contemplated leaving the premises and switching off their television sets to save themselves the monotony of watching a videotape that contained virtually nothing, then a scene presented itself.

In this scene, Anas was in an audible conversation with a lady who is believed to be a prosecuting judge. Their discussion hovered on how to handle the Hafix case. It detailed how to kill that matter and how much monies had changed hands already. C.I.D Adu Poku, according to Anas, was given $75000 to do the bidding of Anas. When the prosecuting judge asked Anas how much he would pay for her 'services', Anas would indicate $50,000. He would agree with the woman that everybody needed money, including Anas, and that is why they were in that discussion.

Shockwaves ran through viewers as they watched this scene. They could not believe their ears and eyes the deal Anas was brokering with the woman and the monies he had paid to get cases in his favour.

The mist surrounding Anas Aremeyaw Anas and his modus operandi have been unveiled. Apart from the crude methodologies he uses in getting innocent and unsuspecting people into his net, he has also revealed that he is perhaps, more corrupt than the very people he has been accusing of corruption.

Akompreko Kennedy Agyapong has been vindicated. Anas is as putrid and rotten as the very people he has been accusing of corruption.

The saint of the Gulf of Guinea has been caught to be nothing more than a vampire and serpent who uses his fake godliness to enrich himself.