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Opinions of Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Columnist: Augustine Arthur

Anas Video – Tiger Eye must pay tax on proceeds to GRA

Anas Aremeyaw Anas, Ghanaian journalist Anas Aremeyaw Anas, Ghanaian journalist

Following the interest being shown by Ghanaians in the yet to be premiered Anas video, #Number12, it is obvious that more people would buy tickets to enable them to view the video.

There is no doubt that Tiger Eye PI is going to rake in more money from showing the video and the company will “swim in dough”.

This is business. Yes Tiger Eye PI is in business. As for the investigation aspect of the whole show, it is one source of doing business and also helping Ghana to uproot corruption from our society and for the national interest.

However, Anas Aremeyaw Anas’s Tiger Eye PI is a registered company in Ghana and it is bound to pay tax on every money it makes in its business transaction. It is therefore imperative for the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) to monitor the amount of money the company will make from showing the video.

The much-anticipated video is going to be shown in Accra on June 5th and 6th, in Kumasi 9th and 10th, in Tamale on June 13th and in Takoradi on June 16th.

The zeal and enthusiasm with which Ghanaians are trooping to buy tickets in order to view the show, officers of the Ghana Revenue Authority must open their eyes widely and let Tiger Eye PI account for every pesewa the company will make from showing the video and pay tax accordingly.

Since the company is against corruption in the country, it is also appropriate for Anas and his team to pay the correct tax on every profit they will make on the video show. It is their civic responsibility to honour their tax obligation.

He who calls the tune pays the piper.

Yours in the service of Ghana.