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Opinions of Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Columnist: P.K.Sarpong

And IMANI'S tank bursts with nothing to show for its doomsday prediction

Franklin Cudjoe, President IMANI Africa Franklin Cudjoe, President IMANI Africa

The Jean Mensa led-EC had the herculean task of bypassing seemingly insurmountable hurdles in order to begin its planned compilation of a new register for purposes of the 2020 elections.

The obstacles were so impregnable that it required a leadership with ironclad muscles to muddle through unscathed.

One of the nemesis of the Electoral Commission has been IMANI Africa, the think tank with brainy, intellectual and analytical talents.

Bright Simons, without doubt, has been one of the vice presidents of the think tank leading the onslaught.

On Newsfile, Mr. Simons made it abundantly clear to viewers that there's no chance in hell for the EC to be able to register 12 million people even in 40 days.

To the IMANI guys, the country had sunk money into a venture that was fated to fail. It was a sheer waste of valuable resources and money by the country to expend monies on a registration exercise that was doomed to fail.

As I write, the EC, in just 38 days, not 40 days, has been able to register 16,663,699 Ghanaians to vote on December 7, 2020. This development drowns the claim verbosely made by IMANI to the effect that not even 12 million people could be registered in 40 days. In his statement, Bright Simons indicated that it was mathematically impossible for the EC to go beyond 12 million Ghanaians.

This sets the stage for the other issues raised by IMANI and its allies to be subjected to surgical scrutiny.

When the analysis of the analytical think tank goes awry, it opens the door for all its earlier projections to be annihilated in a swoop.