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Opinions of Sunday, 14 June 2015

Columnist: Quaye, Stephen

And Tears Rolled Down My Cheek

The New Patriotic Party NPP delegates have spoken through fears contested parliamentary primaries.

What does the results of the various constituency primaries tell you? Exactly, retain those who we need to debate issues without fear or favour.

And kick out those who went there for their own selfish interest after all parliament is not hear, hear but rather for serious business.

This year I decided to stay off from monitoring the proceedings because I knew the casualties will surely occur.

But thank God for my man the minority leader Honorable Osei Kyei Mensah Bonsu for retaining his Suame seat. He is in fact a true parliamentarian who is vested in what it takes to be MP congratulation.

Congratulations to Mr. Frank Annor Domprey for Nsawam Adoagyuri, Samuel Ayeh Pee for AAyehsuanor, my friend Dr. Mark Asibey Yeboah for New Juaben South and Nana Adjei Boateng for New Juaben North not forgetting my own lovely brother Anthony Abaryifa Karbo for Lawra.

To Karboooo, To Karbooooooo.