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Opinions of Sunday, 15 February 2015

Columnist: Dabbousi, Fadi

And my rose continues to bloom – An Embroidery of Love

By: Fadi Dabbousi
How am I supposed to begin writing the words that have forever tickled my passion and excited my being to the point of near delusion except that they are truly descriptive of a love gracefully beautiful and eternal? I have thought about the lessons taught the young and old of the attributes of a rose; the features of a suede textured maroon rose, filled with life and ever blooming in its majesty; majesty talked of since the beginning of time but hardly ever understood.
Yes, I love her; it is true that I need her; it is sublime to have her; it is divine to know her. In all the little thoughts and the smallest feelings and the tiniest imaginations, she has forever whispered her unspoken love. I know she…well I believe she…..of course I feel that she thinks I am okay. I have the strong urge to tell her words of wisdom, courage, blessings, grace and love. I want to hold her forever in my bosom for the want of an extreme show of grandeur; I want to, just, hug her in my embrace forever more but, but…but the fragility of such magnificence creates in me the strength to carry on. Out of the beauty of such soft eminence emanates the overwhelming sound of silence, which speaks to me an unknown language made for I alone to understand; it speaks to me words of a language my mind knows not but that my heart imbibes with the clarity of a morning sky, graced with faint trails of white softness and stroked by the golden rays of the sun…the sun that freaks out at the impulse of love that it is made to shine on.
I want her now and forever. I have the urge to ask her to marry me but I fear that the vessels in her petals would burst with emotions. I want to put on her finger the best diamond studded ring that the forces of time have ever crafted. Where forth may I get such a ring? Mmmmm, I must look into the chest of destiny, maybe I might be lucky…or I will search in the bosom of the milky way with the hope of finding that diamond in a distant star where the edges are fine-cut and clear, radiating a heavenly spectrum of colours; not just red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet but all the shades in between and all the unimagined colours that may be streaking in the skies of the universe, vaster than the mind can ever understand, yet tinier than my tiny loving heart…the heart that loves NANAAMA…