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Opinions of Thursday, 10 November 2016


Andre Ayew: Is it right to rush him back?

Andre Ayew Andre Ayew

When news broke that Andre Ayew had fully recovered from an injury sustained during his debut for West Ham United in August, many Ghana fans cheered in celebration; finally, the Black Stars ' deputy captain would be back and the news couldn’t have come at a greater time.

Dede's return comes after a disappointing draw against Uganda in the opening 2018 World Cup qualifier and, with a crunch bout against ominous Egypt on the horizon, it's easy to understand the relief-Avram Grant's side simply cannot afford to lose this one and need their best players present.

While one can understand the Black Stars fans' delight at having one of their star players back, particularly before such a testing encounter, is it a decision that may backfire?

Could Grant's decision prove to be premature considering that Dede is still on the comeback trail, he's not played more than 63 minutes in a game since returning to the fold? Should the former Swansea City man have been afforded more time to recover in order to be in peak condition for the Africa Cup of Nations in January?

Certainly, the Israeli coach would have faced significant criticism had he left the midfielderout of his side, but it's a risk, and it remains to be seen exactly how impactful Dede can be after having featured so sparsely in recent weeks.

Based on the evidence of some of the Hammers fans' reactions to the Ghana international's performances to date, he still has a long way to go before he is anywhere close to his best.

It's a big ask for Ayew to make a significant contribution against Egypt considering his ring rust, and with this in mind, it's hard to argue that the 26-year-old's call-up is a wise move by Grant considering his fragile fitness.

Indeed, could the former Chelsea boss live to regret the decision to call him up less than three weeks after the ex-Olympique de Marseille attacker can be

In my opinion, Ayew is being rushed back into the Ghana fold and, in doing so, Grant could seriously live to regret the decision to even consider him just 18 days after returning from a four month-lay off.

What ‘magic’ can possibly be expected from someone who’s played just 128 minutes of football out of a possible 920 minutes this term?