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Opinions of Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Columnist: Sixtus Dong Ullo

Angels in uniform

Sixtus Dong Ullo, Broadcast Journalist Sixtus Dong Ullo, Broadcast Journalist

By: Sixtus Dong Ullo, Broadcast Journalist

The past couple of weeks I've been sick; really, really sick. When the doctor saw my lab results she exclaimed: how are you still walking about! Are you just showing a brave face or you just don't understand the gravity of your situation? I have to immediately admit you in the emergency ward!!!! (with her eyes popping out). Me: just smiled and said na Godiwin.....

Well, the point of my post is not to recount my sickness for by the undeserving favour of my God I am well (still feels dizzy from the medications but I'm fine). The point of my post is extol the virtues and professionalism of the doctor and the nurse who attended to me over the period. I am probably one of the many Ghanaians who only identify the ills in our public institutions and see only the lapses in our public workers. Today I want to change narrative.

1. When the doctor realised the seriousness of my situation she immediately called the emergency ward for my admission. I stubbornly rejected the admission. For the next 15mins she went on and on about why I needed to be admitted; for urgent medical attention, she said; for close monitoring, she maintained; your situation is not the type you go back home with! She insisted. When she realised I was resolute on going back home that evening, (against her expressed medical advice), she immediately made alternative arrangements for my treated. She was patient with me, listened to me, understood me and found a workerable alternative to my challenge. She didn’t at any point yell at me or be rude to me despite my belligerence. She treated me as though I were the only patient before her that day; or as though ratings of her entire profession depended on my singular situation. Through it all, she never lost the urgency of my situation. That, my friends, is professionalism!

2. I was finally referred to the emergency ward for my first dose of injections and drips. I sat there for close to 30minutes waiting to be attended to (emergency ward ooo). It took the same doctor to fast track my attention. (guess I’m always blessed… lol) Probably because I didn’t “look sick enough”. There was no bed for me in the ward to take my injections and drips, or to be admitted even if I wanted to. The doctor again took me to the OPD injection room where I met the other angel.

3. Beautiful, ever smiling nurse Angy. Well, with my natural aversion to needles and injections, nurse Angy had a tough time giving me my first dose. But she was able to calm me down, started a conversation and the next thing I realised the drip was already running down my veins. She was patient, stayed well passed her shift to ensure I got two drips plus injection. She was nice, caring and responsible throughout my visits.

4. I am not celebrating Dr. Yamoah and Mrs. Angy because they did anything extraordinary for me. I didn’t get any preferential treatment from them because of anybody I am. In fact, as of the time of my treatment, the two didn’t know I’m an anybody. As far as I’m concerned, they exhibited professionalism, care and diligence to a random patient. They manifested their love for their job; that they got in to serve, not trapped in for the wrong reasons. They convince me that there are still good people in the health profession (and I hope in the police service too).

5. So, indeed, today I celebrate Dr. Yamoah and Mrs. Angy of the Legon Hospital for doing ordinary things to a random patient in an extraordinary manner. You two are my heroes of the month. You make falling sick so sexy… ***wink wink***