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Opinions of Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Columnist: Allotey, Jacob

Animal farm in NPP


Hypocrisy is when it is a big deal for Perry Okudjeto to be asked to proceed on leave for a month and return, but, it shouldn't be any big deal when a whole elected National is suspended through dubious means.

Hypocrisy is when we hail Martin Amidu for fighting corruption in his own government, but, crucify our National Chairman for fighting corruption in the party and asking everyone to emulate the incorruptible nature of our Presidential Candidate.

Hypocrisy is when Abankwa Yeboah illegally signs a contract on behalf of the party without the knowledge of the Finance Committee and members of the steering committee, but, it is a problem for the National Chairman to sign a contract with Paymanex with the express approval of the Finance Committee and knowledge of the steering committee.

Hypocrisy is when Abankwa Yeboah issues party ID cards with a forged signature of the General –secretary and no one sees anything wrong with it, but, people have problem with the National Secretariat in conjunction with the finance Committee issuing party cards.

Hypocrisy is when no one sees anything wrong with Freddy Blay calling the National Chairman and General – Secretary Scoundrels for sending GH10, 000 to each constituency on Joy FM, but, see everything wrong with the spokesperson of the National Chairman responding to him.

Jacob Allotey