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Opinions of Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Columnist: Akwah, Nana

Any Form Of Psychological Pain Is Never Warranted

And Must Never Be Condone

A True Soldier is a friend Society. How I longed for the old days, when a soldier has honor in his heart to serve loyally the country. Where did that saying, Honor, Duty and Country gone…. by the wayside. Throughout the history of all nations, political institutions have been shaped, in varying degrees, by military pressure.

In primitive societies, all men, to a greater or lesser extent, are warriors. The survival of the tribe is often dependent on its ability to defend itself militarily.

I felt scandalized as a former member of the military when the Director of GAF PR said the soldiers did not subject the students of Wa Islamic SHS to any psychological pain. As ex-member feel the present generation of Officers and Enlisted has a duty to uphold the integrity of our noble profession.

Colonel Eric Aggrey Quashie shouldn't subject himself to such half truths and humiliation. Eric I knew was such a quality officer to trade his dignity.

The scene as captured both the print and electronic media can't be swept under the carpet. The scene depicts a scenario that can't be denied or justified. Failing to acknowledge such is bad.

In the first place why were they carrying weapons on the compound? The students were unarmed therefore it was unwise and unnecessary to proceed to the school in such combat accoutrements. The outfit was a combat ready posturing.

In this type of situation one can't defend the action because it makes one guilty of assault. The person who was charged with the responsibility of ensuring sanity must be held responsible. The High Command should have been more forthcoming by simply assuring citizens that defaulters will be disciplined. In the present situation Eric goofed and will do well not to jump to the defense of those who act wrongly all in the name securing peace and order.

The worry here was the failure to appreciate situation and the fact that they were dealing with people who can differentiate between good and bad. The aspect of the problem is the acceptance by both Officers and Enlisted who do the bidding of Civil Officials without recourse to the unforeseen accompanying backlash and repercussions.

The response from Col. Aggrey Quashie in my opinion is disturbing raising all sorts of issues with regards to the response about the unwarranted action. Eric should be mindful that some members in the past had fallen victim for defending irrelevant and irresponsible actions. Fabricating evidence to frame the innocent can be disastrous.??

The military has a duty to itself to preserve the dignity of the Institution. It should always stand up for the dignity and integrity associated with and allow the action taken to speak and serve as a witness. Denouncing irresponsible actions will serve a better option than to put out “frivolous”, explanations hoping that it will succeed.?

Every citizen has the right to freedom and justice no matter the situation one finds himself or herself. Any form of brutality is never warranted and must never be condoned. If the Police can't handle unarmed students then what use could be derived from their employment? Whilst the action of the military was uncalled for, the inability to deal with the incident leaves a bad image of our Police, their inability to control the protesting students call for an investigation.

The Head of the School must be questioned about the deployment of the Military. It is an abuse of "authority" and need to give reasons for their actions should receive serious attention. Apparently, the Police inability to curb the incident earlier led to the calling in of the military however the action taken was a broken pot.

As professionals we must always be above board and remind ourselves that we're there for truth, nothing but the truth. The military will do itself a better service, weaning itself from duties hitherto solely for the Police.

Think about this, for an army of principles can penetrate where an army of soldiers can't go. Self-respect is of greater worth than induced respect.