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Opinions of Thursday, 25 August 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Any clue to why Mahama granted remission to the Montie 3 ?

President John Mahama President John Mahama

It has officially been announced by the NDC government that President has given the “Montie trio” three months remission for a reason I am yet to find out.

Would President Mahama clarify his reason for granting remission to the three uncivilized, insolent and would-be Montie 3 murderers? Was it for the three NDC diehard criminals showing remorse and being of good behaviour or it was simply for the fact that they are NDC fanatics who propagate his views the very way he wants to his absolute satisfaction?

Was the remission given because of the unnecessarily absurd and criminal pressure piled upon him by his NDC family signing a petition for their release from jail?

Let me state without mincing words that from the depicted behaviour of all the government ministers and party gurus signing the petition to pressure President Mahama to release the Montie trio rogues from their 4-month incarceration clearly tells that the governance of Ghana has gone to the dogs.

How could whole government ministers e.g. Education Minister, Jane Naana Opoku Agyemang; Deputy Education Minister Sam Okudzeto Ablakwa; the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Creative Arts, Elizabeth Ofosu-Agyare; Minister for Gender, Children and Social Protection, Nana Oye Lithur and Foreign Affairs Minister, Hanna Tetteh, sign the petition to free these criminals?

Did they sign it to show sympathy and solidarity for them because they are the vociferous mouthpiece for NDC, engendering confidence in people to vote for NDC by their on air pronouncements or cowing those who will otherwise not vote for President Mahama by their threats? Were they happy, and did they support the threats to exterminate some Supreme Court Judges by the Montie 3, Salifu Maase aka Mugabe, Alistair Nelson and Godwin Ako Gunn?

Do all those who endorsed the petition for their release from jail know that they are accomplices for intending to murder?

Let me draw the attention of all readers to the following vital points that we need to get them clearly into our minds. My Ghanaian compatriots Professor Kwaku Asare and Hon. Martin Amidu argue that the Supreme Court Justices who are the alleged victims cannot simultaneously become prosecutors and judges of their own case; thus, they cannot become players of a football team and remain the umpire at the same time.

Therefore, whatever the gravity of the intended crime that could have led to some judges being massacred in cold blood same as happened to High Court Justices Agyei Agyepong, Sarkodie and Koranteng-Addo on 30 June 1982, the Supreme Court judges should have kept their cool for a junior court to deal with the notorious Montie 3.

Who should have reported the Montie 3 for arrest and prosecution for plotting death against the judges and who would have prosecuted them? Should it be Rockson Adofo levelling a charge(s) against them at a police station or a court?

You are all aware of how disgracefully and unprofessionally BNI personnel handled the Montie 3 when they took them to their office for interrogation. They came out with the nonsensical conclusion that the three crooks have no means to commit their intended plot. They were just bluffing, the BNI said.

Could we trust such a partisan organization to protect Ghanaians? Let me ask any of the BNI personnel to go to any of the airports in the United States of America and keep screaming that he/she has a bomb in their luggage whereas they have absolutely nothing and see what will happen to them.

They will definitely be arrested, speedily prosecuted and jailed if they are luck. If they not lucky, they will be shot dead instantly at their screaming of possessing a bomb.

Was it not the duty of the Attorney General to prosecute the Montie yobs? Was she (Marietta Brew-Oppong) ready to prosecute them? No!!! If she was not ready to do so, as all indications pointed to, what else did we expect the Supreme Court justices to do? Did we expect them to sit on the fence doing nothing but only to react after they have been murdered and become ghosts?

Were their colleagues not murdered by the parent party of NDC, thus the PNDC?

Are Ghanaians not wise enough to allow themselves to be guided by history?

Let me ask my senior brother Martin Amidu a simple question? Did he find the Attorney General credible in the prosecution of Alfred Agbesi Woyome to retrieve the GHC51.2 million he had swindled Ghanaians out of? Was she not colluding with the NDC party and government to set Woyome free by her bogus, unprofessional ways she went about the prosecution which finally collapsed probably in line with her secret, but collective, wishes, of most NDC members?

Let me query Brother Amidu about what he said about the Atuguba Supreme Court when they dragged Hopeson Adorye, Ken Koranchie and Owusu Afriyie, alias Sir John, before them in 2013 during the 2012 election petition. These three were accused by the court of been contemptuous towards it. Ken Koranchie was imprisoned while Sir John and Hopeson Adorye were each fined GHC5, 000 upon all the remorse they showed prostrating to the judges.

Did Brother Amidu condemn them? If he did not, why didn’t he? Had the court not acted same as it is acting in the situation of the Montie 3?

Let it be known to everyone that exceptional cases must have exceptional solutions and must be dealt with in that manner. That is the reason why if you go to America, the mother of all democracy, (I know democracy was brought by the Greeks) and falsely shout in public that you have a bomb in your luggage or are wearing a suicide vest, any armed police officer on hand will not hesitate to put you down.

The police officer will be exonerated from blame and prosecution if it turns out that the victim did not have any bomb as he/she alleged hence culminating in his/her untimely death. This goes to prove that any exceptional problem can be resolved by employing exceptional solutions/means.

The Montie 3 have been given remission for simply belonging to NDC and doing the dirty terrorist work for President Mahama and the NDC but nothing else.

They could not serve four months, upon all the stupid bragging by Salifu Maase, that uncouth illiterate from which remotest part of Ghana I can’t tell.

Yes, the President has been accorded the right of prerogative under the 1992 Constitution. However, it should be exercised responsibly but not foolishly as it is in the Montie 3 case.

Could the Council of State explain to the public why they advised the President to free the Montie 3?

If there were people to be granted pardon or given remission, it should not be the Montie trio who could not serve four months, but rather those people wrongly convicted by the judges who Anas Aremeyaw Anas uncovered to have accepted bribes to deny them justice and are still lingering in prison.

The NDC government members, including Spio Garbrah who visited the Montie 3 at Nsawam prisons should bow down their heads in shame. They are all supportive of the crimes Salifu Maase and his studio guests have been committing with impunity.

Shall God protect the judges who were earmarked for massacre by the Montie 3 but rather punish those who decided to kill or threaten the judges along with all their supporters? Amen