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Opinions of Friday, 27 October 2023

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

Any weapon formed against Kennedy Agyapong shall not prosper

Kennedy Agyapong Kennedy Agyapong

Many are NPP sympathisers and supporters of Vice President Dr Alhaji Mahamudu Bawumia that have started digging and throwing dirt at Kennedy Agyapong (Hon.). They are doing this in the hope of causing him public disaffection, make him unpopular and hated.

This attitude of maligning one’s political rival to enhance the maligner’s chances at elections is completely a demonstration of incompetence and opportunism, if not absurd.

Let me be emphatic that those attacking Kennedy by bringing into limelight some of his outbursts of anger in attempts to portray him as unfit to be NPP flag bearer and president of Ghana are simply jokers. Reviving his past mistakes in the hope of costing him votes on 4 November 2023 will not wash.

When I listen to submissions and insinuations being made by some NPP leadership team to rubbish Kennedy, I just laugh my head off and conclude how dishonest and corrupt those individuals are.

Kennedy is preaching his visions for Ghana, if elected the flag bearer of NPP and eventually the president of Ghana. His messages are clear and simple. Why can’t his rivals campaign on their policies and programmes if they were elected; if they have any differently than what we know of already rather than spending their precious time having a dig at him?

What I can’t get my head around is when his rivals go about misinforming the public that he is not a presidential material. Could anyone help specify the qualities one has to possess before being classed as presidential material?

If he has gone to beg former President John Dramani Mahama to pardon him for having previously offended him, does that take away his obvious qualities of honesty, fairness, firmness, dedication to serving his nation and people, far-sightedness and his business creativity?

Many a sensible Ghanaian resonates with his messages. Is that which is causing panic in his rivals to embark on that spurious journey of digging up his insults hurled at some people with the motive of tarnishing his image, make him abominable to the nation and the electorates?

Everybody in Ghana has got their “but” (na ɛnso). You, the reader have got yours, I, the author of this publication, have got mine and Kennedy Agyapong has got his.

Why then are you so hypocrite to the point of seeking to crucify him on the altar of the burnt offering?

His advantages exceed his disadvantages if you care to do comparative analysis on whether or not he qualifies to become the president of Ghana.

Ghana is in financial straits yet, we have got most of these politicians criticising Kennedy voraciously lining their dirty pockets in what is corruption galore.

If I may ask, from where is coming the money they are allegedly using to buy the NPP delegates, denying them the fair exercise of their universal adult suffrage?

Is it wrong for Kennedy to tell the country how he has immensely single-handedly financed the NPP to bring it this far, or make it successful as it is today?

He has the absolute right to campaign, or canvass the delegates, for votes on his track record of service to the NPP, what he has done for the nation and the people and what more he plans to do if elected the president of Ghana.

Shame on those who think he should not tell how he has helped NPP. If it wasn’t him, NPP could not have won power at certain times. This is an indisputable fact!

If you can’t thank him for his service to the party, please don’t tarnish his image.

I had better stop before I enter into an uncharted path of exposing some people who outwardly seem to be saints but are devil incarnates within.

The supporters of Kennedy must up their game to ensure victory for Kennedy on 4 November 2023.

I prefer to see a team of Kennedy Agyapong, Dr Alhaji Mahamudu Bawumia, Dr Kwabena Duffour Snr. and Dr George Akuffo Dampare rule Ghana come 7 January 2025 but with Kennedy as head.