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Opinions of Friday, 2 December 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Appeal to Ghanaian prayer warriors

File photo of women praying at AGLOW for Christ event.File photo of women praying at AGLOW for Christ event.

By Rockson Adofo

The facts on the ground according to empirical observation, interrogation of electorates and all pointers put together, clearly indicate that Election 2016 is a done deal for Nana Akufo Addo and the NPP. However, President Mahama and the NDC with the Electoral Commission are desirously applying some never-ending hatched plots to rig the election in their favour.

It is on this note that I am calling on the Ghanaian prayer warriors if there are any, to take a special supplication to God on behalf of the teeming good citizens of Ghana.

With strongly unflinching desire by Mrs. Charlotte Osei to rig the election for President Mahama and the NDC, look at some of the plans and methods she has adopted.

She initially said that serializing the “Pink sheets” for the Election 2016 were of no importance. She was going to come out with “pink sheets” bearing no serial numbers which could have facilitated the rigging of the election.

The properly used “pink sheets” could be replaced once taken to her office and the figures probably doctored to favour the NDC and John Mahama. She was challenged and then she rescinded her decision.

Some ballot booklets bearing different serial numbers on the back of the booklets with different serial numbers on the ballot papers therein contained, were detected in the Juaben/Ejisu Constituency on Friday, 25 November 2016 according to credibly certified information reaching me in London.

Such detected ballot booklets were nineteen in number with each containing a hundred ballots or ballot papers as many Ghanaians call them. They were understood to have been taken to the Juaben Police station on the same day awaiting further explanation and clarification from the Office of the Chair of the Electoral Commission.

On Saturday 26 November 2016, Charlotte Osei ordered the Electoral Presiding Officers and the police to return the ballot booklets to Accra saying it was a mistake, the only best explanation this woman could offer.

Her plots to rig the election are many and varied. You can read about some from my previously published feature articles. Had she not decided it was pointless for the polling assistants to countersign the “pink sheets” thereby facilitating any rigging quest she has in mind?

Her definition for Over-vote is, when the verified persons are less than the verified ballots or some completely absurd definition of some sort. Her definition is not without ambiguity. Instead of saying Over- voting is when the number of ballot papers in the ballot box exceeds the number of verified votes cast, an over-voting has occurred, she rather comes out with some crappy definition.

She wants to behave like Dr. Kwadwo Afari Gyan who criminally reneged on his own earlier definition to conjure a classical definition for over-vote when the heat in the witness box at the Supreme Court became too unbearable for him.

Mrs. Charlotte Osei has been challenged on this but she has gone silent without coming up with any further clarifications.

As at writing, six empty ballot boxes meant for a constituency in the Western region have gone walkers. The only excuse she can offer for the missing boxes is to promise to replace them. Who stole them or how did they get missing?

This woman is diabolic, incompetent and crafty if not stupid. She thinks she can take Ghanaians for fools for all that she stands to gain personally.

Following the plots in constant application or implementation by Charlotte Osei and her outfit, President Mahama has become overly confident that he will win the upcoming election ONE TOUCH. Nonsense!!

The NDC registered their members and many foreign nationals from the surrounding sister African nations – Ivory Coast, Togo, Benin, Burkina Faso etc. using the biometric verification process same as used by the Electoral Commission.

Why should they register party members by biometric verification? They gathered the same information as the Electoral Commission does, and passed the details of all those minors, foreigners etc. they registered via that process to the Electoral Commission to feed to their electoral database. This has given the NDC about one million two hundred votes ahead of the NPP’s presidential candidate hence President Mahama walking about shamelessly over-confident that he has won the election already.

I call on all the prayer warriors to fast and pray to God to make nonsense the schemes put in place by the NDC and the Electoral Commission to rig the elections.

God MUST set confusion in the camps of the NDC and the Electoral Commission. He is able to as long as we take our prayers to Him.

Why should we continue to pray that we want peace while these NDC fascists and bigots team up with that woman who is a blot on womanhood, to rig the election to continue to over-burden Ghanaians with economic hardships?

Please, prayer warriors who care about mother Ghana, who care about Ghanaians, who care about justice and who care about peace, do fast and make supplications to God entreating Him to make nonsense the schemes NDC and President Mahama and Charlotte Osei are relying on to defeat His purpose for Ghana through Nana Akufo Addo.

I count on you, oh dear Ghanaian prayer warriors to ensure that the evil schemes by Charlotte Osei in collusion with President Mahama and the NDC do not succeed.

The bible says, “Seek ye shall find. Knock it shall be opened unto you and Ask, it shall be given to you”

The battle is still the Lord’s and Change is coming like “kakai” to put John Mahama to flight!