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Opinions of Saturday, 13 October 2012

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Appeal to NPP supporters in Agona Swedru West Constituency

not to Vote "Skirt & Blouse"

My unrelenting campaign for Nana Dankwa Akuffo-Addo, alias "Obuggie", has taken me as far as Agona Swedru in the Central Region. My incessant telephone calls to some familiar faces there have revealed the level of uncertainty within the NPP supporters as to how to cast their votes come December 7, 2012. Many an NPP supporter there is deciding to vote "Skirt & Blouse". They are all happy to cast their votes overwhelmingly for Nana Dankwah Akuffo-Addo but not for the incumbent NPP Member of Parliament.

They accuse the MP of suffering from the same malaise as irresponsibly succumbed to by many of his MP colleagues. As it is the character of most Ghana MPs, they do not frequent their constituencies except nearing elections. They also do not represent the constituents effectively as expected. He is not the only one to have behaved dismally in this sense but I will not exonerate him of blame.

I once conducted a personal investigation into why most Ghana MPs behave as they do, to the distaste of their constituents. I will publish the reasons I came by in a few days time.

I am now on my knees earnestly pleading with the electorates to vote fully for Nana "Obuggie" and the NPP. If you love him and uphold his policies in toto, I will advise you to vote for both him and the NPP parliamentary aspirant. If Nana should win the Presidential elections but fail to garner majority seats in parliament for his NPP MPs, the NDC evil dwarfs, babies with sharp teeth, will scupper all his good policies. The NDC if they became majority in parliament under Nana Akuffo-Addo's rule will surely sabotage or derail his free Senior High School education to prove their avowed evil intention of, "we told you he could not do it".

In order not for the NDC, as aimless and mediocre as they are to have a point to gloat over, in proving how credible their malevolent "he can't do it" statements were, please vote both Nana Addo and his NPP parliamentary aspirants. There should not be any instance of "Skirt & Blouse" voting by NPP supporters or any Ghanaian who believes in the policies Nana Akuffo-Addo has presented before Ghanaians.

We need to kick out the incompetent but chiefly corrupt NDC government and party from power. We can only attain that if you vote massively Nana Akuffo-Addo for president and NPP for parliament. Without both elections going in our favour, it will be tremendously difficult for Nana Akuffo-Addo or NPP to realise their good policies for Ghana.

Having said this, I appeal to the NPP leadership to proceed to Agona Swedru West Constituency to reassure the voters. In the meantime, I appeal to the voters to rescind their decision to vote "Skirt and Blouse". The NDC as known thieves, and short of ideas to govern Ghana properly without discrimination, have nothing better to offer Ghanaians but misery, lawlessness and utter official corruption within NDC government and party.

Sources radio UK FM96.3 is still encountering problems. An evil dwarf with Dracula Vampire teeth is sucking the vitality of the radio. A pastor turned into a Devil's advocate with intention to collapse the radio has become a very serious matter confronting the radio station. The problematic situation will be resolved amicably at all cost. It is just an issue bordering on "friends today enemies tomorrow" parlance.

To the electorates of Agona Swedru and all well meaning Ghanaians, I request of you a moment to brood over all that I have said in this write-up.

Mr Owusu, sisters Vida and Esther of Agona Swedru, and a host of others, I have passed on your concerns to the NPP authorities via this publication.

A word to the wise is sufficient.

Rockson Adofo