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Opinions of Friday, 3 May 2013

Columnist: Ali, Justice

Appoint only competent district chief executives

As the days get nearer and the fog gets cleared, the picture regarding the appointment of Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives the picture is gets clearer and better.

This assertion is given credence by the president’s recent statement to the effect that MMDCEs, once nominated by the president and confirmed by their respective assemblies, may be assigned to assemblies other than their own. However, we thank the president for doing a yeoman’s job in appointing ministers and their deputies in the face of political and labour unrests, and for giving indication as to what direction such appointments would take. We, the Young Democrats of the Sissala East Constituency of the Upper West Region of Ghana, believe that the discharge of our civic responsibilities would be incomplete unless we address certain pertinent issues on the appointment of MMDCEs.

To this end, we are adding our voice to that of those calling on His Excellency President John Mahama to appoint only qualified, competent, upright and loyal persons to occupy the positions of Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives. We are confident that there are many competent, upright and loyal individuals who subscribe to the Social Democrat philosophy of the National Demographic Congrats for which reason they may be considered for the positions of MMDCEs. We, consequently, anticipate that a fine sieve and rigorous criteria would be applied across the country in the selection process to ensure that only the best candidates are nominated for confirmation by their respective assemblies.

We believe that if aspirant MMDCEs are scrutinized under a magnifying lens and made to “pass through the eye of a needle”, we would avert the now perennial situation whereby some Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies are saddled with avaricious, under-achieving and “lame-horse” Chief Executives. The need for such extensive scrutiny of aspirant Chief Executives has become more necessary than ever in face of the president’s proposed reshuffle of MMDCEs. It would not only be unfair, but also a self-defeating exercise in futility if, for instance, district “A” is able to produce a very competent individual to be appointed as DCE only for this fellow to be shuffled to district “B” in exchange for an incompetent person.

On the local front, it is embarrassing and intriguing to learn that no less than seventeen (17) to twenty (20) people are lobbying for the mandate to become DCE for the Sissala East District. As natives of the Sissala East Constituency, we of the Young Democrats here have often asked ourselves how is it that all the twenty (20 ) people think themselves capable of the burden of the people’s destiny. This may well just be the “verdict” on the previous office holder. Why nearly twenty individuals from one of the less populated districts will all seek to bear the heavy burden of the people’s destiny. This may well just be the “verdict” on the previous office of leading the district towards overcoming its socio-economic woes remains a mystery. But one thing that is not is that, incompetence attracts incompetence. When people perceive that a less competent person has previously “managed” such an office “successfully” for four years, the myth around such an office is broken and come the next opportunity, many more vultures will troop to the carcass. It will interest you to know that some are without Senior high School certificate while others hold third class from their undergraduate who cannot handle their respective subjects they teach in their various schools and think they can equally become the DCE.

Secondly, when people see the office as a “gold mine” and that, the sacred cow can be milked with impunity; they will come in their droves at the next opportunity to vie for that office in the hope of getting the chance to fleece the nation and to satisfy their avarice.

We therefore humbly entreat His Excellency President Mahama and his handlers to do due diligence before nominating potential MMDCEs in order to give real meaning to our quest for development at the metropolitan, municipal and district levels.

Written by: Mr. Justice Ali. Director of Communications; Young Democrats, Sissala East Constituency.