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Opinions of Saturday, 18 March 2017

Columnist: Brako-Powers, Kwabena

Appointing 110 ministers is not the problem, Akufo-Addo is

President Akufo-Addo President Akufo-Addo

By: Brako-Powers, Kwabena

A bad idea is akin to a rotting fish. No matter how hard you try to preserve it, it will still go bad. In the same vein, no matter the strategies one employs to sell a bad idea, it is still bad.

Awfully, President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and his government find themselves in the same situation with his uninspiring appointments of 110 ministers.

The problem with Ghana has nothing to do with the conspiracy of the citizens to derail its economic fortunes. It has nothing to do with the civil servants, although they don’t deserve our sympathies. The President is the problem. The Presidents we’ve had over the years are the problem.

A bad idea is akin to a rotting fish. No matter how hard you try to preserve it, it will still go bad. In the same vein, no matter the strategies one employs to sell a bad idea, it is still bad.

Awfully, President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and his government find themselves in the same situation with his uninspiring appointments of 110 ministers.

The problem with Ghana has nothing to do with the conspiracy of the citizens to derail its economic fortunes. It has nothing to do with the civil servants, although they don’t deserve our sympathies. The President is the problem. The Presidents we’ve had over the years are the problem.

We’ve worked tirelessly to find lasting solutions to our many challenges, many of which are self-inflicted, but they’ve eluded us. The issue: we’ve been looking up to the wrong people for the solution when they are the problem.

The political discourse during every election year has often been dominated by the quality we seek in a possible president. We want a leader who is incorruptible, God-fearing, strong, no-nonsense, peace-loving, selfless, and an honest person.

But months after we elect the so-called ideal candidates, they follow the same trajectories that are responsible for our challenges. The solution we seek to the problems is the heart of the problem – leadership.

Ever wondered why our country still looks pitiful and wretched after 60 years of independence (even in the midst of the rich natural resources)?
The last thing one would expect from a President who takes the country’s sacred oath amidst promises to protect the interest of his people to is to add up to the hardships they’re facing.

But Ghana is no stranger to such things. Here Presidents do whatever they want and damn the consequences. Here leaders are free to describe the owners of their mandate as whiners. They will still get people to follow them in their folly. At least former Presidents Jerry John Rawlings, John Agyekum Kufuor and John Dramani Mahama gleefully exhibited this trait.

Mr Mahama knew his decision to disrespect the powers of the judiciary would displease Ghanaians, but he went ahead anyway. He unashamedly granted pardon to three (3) foot soldiers of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), an action that exposed his frailty as a leader. The Presidential pardon of the Montie 3 despite a public outcry will forever testify against the former Ghanaian leader.

No one ever predicted President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo would be insensitive and callous as president. He has proven to Ghanaians and the international community that he wasn’t what the citizens had thought of him. After all, he’s no different from his predecessor, Mahama.

Though barely four months into office, President Akufo-Addo has created 110 jobs and counting. That’s creditable. He’s on record as the first President to have an obese government despite the economic challenges the country is facing, which he has admitted to.

I have listened to Information Minister, Mustapha Hamid, offer one of the lamest excuses, that can’t make its way to a kindergarten classroom, to justify the President’s bad decision.

He had explained the nature of the economy “mismanaged” by the previous NDC administration requires a large army to fix it. At least he tried, but he failed.

The President has demonstrated that after all he is not that strong and a no-nonsense leader Ghanaians thought. He has shown he values his party’s interest over the country’s.

A careful study of the appointees shows President Akufo-Addo lowered his avowed principles at a point in time. He valued quantity to quality. He’s thus a weak leader. It smells on him.

If private businesses are creating wealth and changing lives with few workers, why can’t the government do same?

The desire to please everybody, especially the undeserving, will mark the beginning of the President’s governance challenges.

Like Mahama, President Akufo-Addo will refuse to listen to the voices of Ghanaians. He won’t re-consider his decision, but I’m convinced Ghanaians will.

Disclaimer: Views expressed here are the Author's and do not necessarily reflect the position of management of Multimedia or The writer Austin Brakopowers works as a journalist at Joy99.7FM and could be reached via [email protected] or