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Opinions of Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Columnist: Adu-Gyamfi, Kwaku

Are Ghanaian Billionaire And Zillionaire Politicians Less Vulnerable To Bribes?

From, Voice Of Reason:
BOYS ABRE, so should we bring in Ghanaian Billionaires and Zillionaires to rule the country?
This is comedic exaggeration, but perhaps you can think while you laugh. Even if you get mad at me for saying this; you can’t pretend that this lousy, do-nothing attitude of our modern day politicians doesn’t happen a bit too much….Or we aren’t fed-up already.
Hold on ! .Before we get into the diatribe about this being some kind of an assault on our “fine politicians”, understand that I don’t hate politicians and I’m not a die –hard supporter of any political party—I just want Ghana to prosper and live up to its given potentials .I also get a little agitated when I think of many skilled, self-imposed, socio-economic Ghanaians ‘professionals’ in exile---all because the home-front issues and its ecology are hostile to the aspirations of Ghanaians both home and abroad.
Having said all that, it’s not going to stop people (especially, the foot soldiers) from raining insults on me. Oh, yes, a lot of people are not going to like what I have to say here .But, let me start by saying this: I really don’t give a &%*&.These words come from a man who has seen too many hopeless and hapless kids looking for heroes and sheroes and role models in our society, but they look in vain. This man has seen too many of self-appointed potholes “contractors” on our accident –prone roads on weekends.
Yes, this is coming from a man who has seen and met too many socio-economic, self-imposed Ghanaians in exile who want to live and die on their mother land, but…………..So I have reasons for feeling the way I feel. And, please don’t get me started ,I don’t want to go there !!
Given all the cash-filled political arena in which Ghanaian politicians operate, I’m tempted to suggest that we should elect rich people to our political offices; so as to avoid the disappointments we experience every election cycle, from our –do –nothing politicians. How can I put it delicately? Some of these politicians zealously defend their stewardship, but we hardly see any meaningful result. The point is our current democratically elected bodies are not capable of representing us and that is a serious concern. Therefore we have to try something else.
I know what you’re thinking:” most wealthy people are infected with a sense of entitlement, which has more or less insulated themselves from the concerns of the ordinary folks,in the villages who made them what they ‘re today”.
But, that is the only choice we have right now because the folks we elected have failed us miserably.
There’s a real challenge for Ghanaians in general and politicians in particular today. We’re currently experiencing crisis in Ghana, in part because we simply don’t have enough dedicated people who have profound love for Ghana and its people. But, at least, the wealthy ones will use some of their own money to do something meaningful for in our communities and villages. Or at least they won’t look for their interests alone as their main reasons for getting elected.
Yes, it’s true that the rich can easily hijack the election or jack –up the cost of campaigning, but at least, their first agenda in office won’t be the –filling- up -of personal bank account and buy the most expensive 4x4 vehicle or buy a new home in the States.
Since we can’t get rid of corruption ,at least let’s elect people who will be less susceptive to bribes so as to enable them to conduct the peoples’ business and put Ghana above everything else—hallelujah !!
It’s not illegal to be wealthy-especially, if you’re not duping Mother Ghana and the source of the money is not tainted Therefore, I’d rather prefer to be ruled by self-made Ghanaian zillionaires and billionaires who acquired their money in an old –fashioned way---they earned it!
Speaking of the people’s business, I also believe we have lost the ability to pass the profound love we used to have for Ghana on to our young people.
In addition to our decrepit educational system, youth underemployment, lack of opportunities and jobs that provide living wage, the major crisis among our young generation has not been deeply and properly addressed enough by our leaderships, politicians and policy makers.
In effect, the major responsibility lies within our leaderships and the older generation .We must therefore transmit a genuine love to the young people in order to ensure that they will not feel rootless, isolated, hapless, hopeless, unloved, untouched, and simply unattended to.
I hope these are not too demanding for our leaders and especially, the politicians and policy-makers.
Until we meet here again, stay strong, be blessed and educated about the issues and concerns of the land.
Kwaku Adu-Gyamfi (voice of Reason)