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Opinions of Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Are Ghanaians Politically mature enough ...

... to hold their Leaders accountable?

Reading from both written and oral submissions by some Ghanaians on political issues, discussions and debates, I wonder the level of the Ghanaian knowledge of politics. I am astonished at some of their naive statements and views informed by their political persuasions and affiliations. I often ask myself if such Ghanaians, indeed, have the collective interest and welfare of Ghanaians and Ghana at heart.

Barely had the Chairman of the Electoral Commission, Dr. Kwadwo Afrari-Gyan, declared John Dramani Mahama the President-elect, let alone swearing him in as the President of Ghana, when many a Ghanaian, especially of the NDC fold, started exposing their political ignorance for all to see. They were all over the place expressing views and hopes of winning election 2016. How sensible are those admonishing NDC on strategies to winning Election 2016 long before Mahama has overcome the electoral fraud hanging excruciatingly around his neck like an inextricable albatross? The man's fate is dangling precariously in the balance. He is yet to settle down to form his government albeit uncertainty of how things will turn out depending on the eventual verdict by the Supreme Court, yet, the NDC have already aimed at, and sure of, winning election 2016. Instead of the government working and delivering to the expectation of the voters, it will rather be considering and strategizing on how to win election 2016. This is why the NDC cannot campaign on issues but always using propaganda to paint her rival black.

I find it upsetting, nauseating and highly irresponsible to see most Ghanaians not determining the political fate of their leaders by their performance, competence, delivery on their manifesto promises but simply by how they affiliate with the political party or the leader. With all the official corruption that is weighing down the NDC coupled with their lawlessness, incompetence, and practice of selective justice, there are still sycophantic NDC faithful that wish them in power forever. Do such people have the love of the nation at heart or they simply think about themselves, abhorrent as they are?

Alfred Agbesi Woyome, that swindler of the Century who has duped Ghana out of GHC51 Million has the gut to say, the unfolding events (State prosecutors incessant requests for adjournments) will vindicate him. A person who has asserted on air to have not either entered into any contractual agreement with the government of Ghana, or worked for the government, and therefore should have no recourse to the consolidated fund, had been able to access GHC51 Million. How was that possible, please NDC and President Mahama answer me on this? The NDC only used him as front to avail themselves of illegal money desperately needed to finance their 2012 election campaign. The NDC committed many such thefts through what have become infamous judgment debt payments.

With the NDC back in power amid controversies and contestations, that is awaiting a Supreme Court hearing and judgment, Alfred Agbesi Woyome feels he will get away with that committed frown upon crime of the century. This is because the very accomplices who helped him defraud the country are still in power. He feels safe. He can saunter around town beating his chest in authoritative confidence and like "Osuo abroboa", he does not fear "huu, otim nea otim" He does not care, he is still who he is if not mightier.

The annoying thing about it all is how some people are supportive of his charlatanry. Many a person from the Volta region with their chiefs inclusive supports Alfred Agbesi Woyome because he is the son of the soil. With this absurd mentality, how credible is anyone to say Ghanaians are mature politically?

The State prosecutors (Attorney General Department) are in bed with the rogues in the NDC hence the difficulty to prosecute Woyome. They always come up with the nonsense of having not completed the docket able to let them face down Woyome in court. They have been acting the same way each time the case is due for a hearing. In the end, the presiding judge out of frustration and in accordance with court procedures will throw out the case against Woyome for lack of evidence. Whom are those silly State attorneys fooling?

That ugly thing called General Mosquito is 100% supportive of Woyome. He goes about uttering balderdash at any least opportunity he gets. The NDC faithful are always rallying behind their leadership even when they are caught stealing elections. People will do whatever to help their leaders and favourites entrench themselves in power as illegal and detrimental it is to the wellbeing of the citizens and the nation.

With the foregoing paragraphs highlighting one or two problems, how can I say Ghanaians are politically mature to hold their leaders accountable? They rather assist their leaders to perpetrate further atrocities against the people and the nation.

"A communication team member of the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC), Kakra Essamuah has hinted he will support any coup d’état in the country if Nana Akufo-Addo, presidential candidate of the opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP) is declared president by a court of competent jurisdiction". With such sycophantic greedy bastards doubling as evil dwarfs and babies with sharp teeth, how justified are you to say Ghanaians are politically enlightened? Many are not hence, the socio-politico-economic stagnation if not retrogression, of Ghana.

I will be back. Please do excuse my French. I made it a New Year resolution not to employ any insulting words in my write-ups but the naivety of some Ghanaians, especially the NDC, has pushed me to the wall, making me feel emotional.

Rockson Adofo