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Opinions of Monday, 20 August 2012

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Are NDC now desperately Conniving with the Chinese govt

to Fool Ghanaians because of Elections?

I could not cease laughing my head off when I heard about the “” offer the Chinese government has made to Ghanaians. The Chinese government has offered to build a stadium in Cape Coast free for Central Region in honour of the late President John Fiifi Evans Atta Mills. The President of Ghana, His Excellency President John Dramani Mahama, the NDC and their supporters have welcomed the news as a great achievement for the late President Mills and the NDC government.

First and foremost, the NDC government, the NDC party and the entire people of Ghana should please bear in mind that nothing comes free in this modern world we live in. Everything comes at a price in one form or the other.

We should not be silly, naive and complete nincompoops to take the Chinese on the face value of their promise. Do they not intend to influence us to look elsewhere while the numerous Chinese citizens in Ghana engaged in illegal surface mining (“galamsey”) continue with their illegal activities? The Chinese are exploiting us to the hilt while our educated fools at the helm of affairs in Ghana keep blind eye to their activities.

What is a free stadium compare to the water bodies, the ecosystem, and the numerous farms the illegal Chinese are unprecedentedly damaging through their illegal “galamsey” activities? Ghanaians should please get a grip and stop allowing any Tom, Dick and Harry from taking them for fools.

The NDC as bloody ignorant corrupt entities as they are and have always been, are taking credit for the proposed free stadium by the Chinese. Is this any sensible achievement that the NDC should be proud of? Is it also part of their “Better Ghana Agenda” achievements? No wonder Ghana is retrogressing while other countries are advancing.

With our current crop of corrupt politicians ruling Ghana, the Chinese will steal everything from us while we clap our hands for their great feat. What a bunch of fools Ghanaians have made themselves through the insanity of our NDC leaders.

To me, the Chinese offer of free stadium pales away compared to the damage they are doing to our ecosystem through their illegal “galamsey” activities. Our leaders should be able to generate internal revenue to carry out developmental projects in Ghana until which, the Chinese will not only take us for fools but rob us clean of all our mineral wealth. Our total reliance on foreign loans especially, loans coming from China will forever leave us at the mercy of the foreign donors some of who have dubious intentions.

Ghanaians should resist the desperate stupidity by the NDC in trying to sell us out to the Chinese in an attempt to win Elections December 7, 2012.

I appeal for discernment from my fellow Ghanaians in the Central Region not to allow the John Mahama NDC to underestimate their intelligence by their “” desperate attempts to provide them a stadium and a “Kutokraba” market. John Mahama and the NDC are just after your precious votes through foul means, so please take note.

Rockson Adofo