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Opinions of Monday, 16 June 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Are NPP Equally As Myopic & Selfish As the NDC?

After months of cogitation about the problems alarmingly staring Ghana in the face, coupled with the self-confused attitude expressed by the NPP to securing cogent solutions to them, I am compelled to inquire if the NPP are not as myopic and selfish as the NDC.

The lack of vision and selfishness by the NDC as a ruling party and government are too conspicuous for the physically blind persons to tell, and the mentally impaired persons to feel. That is how damn and current the situation is in Ghana. With the entire obvious thievery in various forms and shapes that President Mahama NDC government and party are long involved to the detriment of the socio-economic emancipation of Ghana, the NPP as the largest opposition party in the country is not living up to expectation. The party, to some extent, is full of completely selfish persons doting on the pursuit of personal agenda that are not healthy for the collective interest of the suffering Ghanaian masses.

Some within the NPP, do contrary believe in “sending a long-legged on a mission rather than a wise person” – (ye soma 3ba nyansanin na yen nnsoma annamon tenten) – “we send out a wise person on a mission/errand but not the long-legged”. Instead of the NPP wising up, after years of suffering the NDC calculated ploys to deny them the governance of Ghana, thus, robbing them of the winning election results, they are rather deepening their woes through thoughtless self-harm.

To be a presidential material is not all about being handsome and having long-legs. It has rather more to do with showing sincere dedication to duty, dynamism, and demonstration of integrity, abundance of intelligence and wisdom, readiness to serve your people and country, and fullness of farsightedness.

Can age be wielded as an effective, but non negative, weapon against an otherwise credible presidential material possessing all the requisite qualities enlisted above? To me as a discerning Ghanaian luxuriating in political maturity and expediency, not selfishly expressed of course, I will say age is simply a number. Old age is an indication of wisdom same as grey-hair is a repository of wisdom although, there could be instances of exceptions.

The NPP that many a suffering Ghanaian is looking forward to redeeming them from the vagaries of the directionless John Mahama’s economic policies, seem not ready to wear the mantle of leadership. From their engagement in fruitless pull him down scuffles and long involvement in intentional pursuit to defame their only outstanding credible presidential material (Nana Akufo Addo), one can see how myopic the NPP are. They are not ready for power, concluding from their lack of seriousness to getting their internal squabbles sorted by now.

One has only to say oops! at the level of the astronomical prevalence of selfishness and visionless among certain purporting NPP presidential materials and their supporters. When Nana Akufo Addo gets robbed of the presidential crown at elections, those rivals or enemies within the NPP family joyously celebrate his loss in their hearts and in the secret of their homes. What a shame for fellow NPP members to behave that irresponsibly – what a typical Ghanaian mindedness of “a beko goal dea nnk3 corner”.

NPP, wake up and cease your obnoxious pull him down tactics. Let me confess as at writing, that I do not appreciate the loud silence over the deplorable actions of the “Alan Kyeremateng boys and girls” by the recently elected NPP national Executives. Such attacks on Nana’s physique instead of on his personality will have a long term adverse consequences on NPP. Refer to my previous articles in which my understanding of physique and personality has been made vivid.

Let all those in NPP claiming to be presidential materials, with their supporters inclusive, tell what they can do but not to tell what Nana Akufo Addo cannot do. For Nana, all Ghanaians are already aware of his strengths and weaknesses. However, he is still the marketable choice of the majority of Ghanaians. What then are your problems with your resolute determination to bring him down, oh ye fellow despicable NPP members.

Be it known to all that, “Nnea Onyame a hyira no, ye mm3 ne dua” – you cannot successfully curse he who has been blessed by GOD. Instead of pulling our weights together, strategizing to wrestle power from the NDC rogues and thieves, we are stupidly fighting among ourselves. I am sick and tired of seeing fellow NPP members behaving ignorantly on daily basis.

I dedicate this write-up to all discerning Ghanaians.

Rockson Adofo