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Opinions of Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Are NPP officials aspiring to emulate the corruption of the ousted NDC government?

President Akufo-Addo President Akufo-Addo

By: Adofo, Rockson

Nationally, it is a common public knowledge that the NDC government and former President Mahama were corrupt in every interpretation or aspect of the word. They abused their Executive powers to favour themselves and their family members, friends and cronies. Their degree of infatuation with corruption culminating in embezzlement of public funds through dubious government projects awarded to contractors at inflated sole sourcing and/or tender-contracts at three or more times their actual costs was overwhelming and still beats my gumption.

It is for the blatant institutional corruption openly practised by the NDC government and the President coupled with their encouragement of lawlessness, practice of selective justice and utter disrespect for the citizenry where their human rights were trampled upon that Ghanaians at the opportune time on Wednesday, 7 December 2016, voted massively for NPP to oust the NDC from power using their thumbs (KOKROMOTIE POWER).

Barely had President Nana Akufo Addo and the NPP taken over power when there were signs of corruption creeping into the infant government that all Ghanaians have hailed as saintly and had come to redeem them from the injustices that characterised the NDC administration that robbed many a poor Ghanaian of their human rights.

There is no smoke without fire, so also it is said, there is the slightest truth in every rumour. Prophet Owusu Bempah has said some people in the NPP government have started accepting bribes and that should they not desist from that untoward attitude, he would not hesitate to name them. I pray he names them so that we can take them to the cleaners straightaway.

Bad nuts are not to be entertained since they have the potential to contaminate the whole lot if left to continue to rot among the other good ones. Therefore, the earlier they are exposed and dealt with, much the better. We did not spend our time, money and efforts to campaign to bring in a better government only to see them start to become like the NDC just on assumption of power.

Check this web link on what the prophet has said as reported on Ghanaweb under their General News of Thursday, 9 March 2017 as sourced from

Then again, Pastor Kwasi Awuah also queries what President Nana Akufo Addo is doing as people trust in his ability to govern as a man of integrity, incorruptible and fearsome is waning the more he delays proving to people who he is claimed to be now that he has the power of the people to govern Ghana.

I am personally beginning to have my doubts but I shall reserve my critical comments for a later date. How on earth should the President look on unconcerned when his soldiers and police are assaulting the innocent people of Kumawu and Bodomase; raiding people homes to beat and arrest them all to appease the queen of Kumawu and the alleged Kumawuhene Barima Sarfo Tweneboa Kodua?

The queen, Nana Abenaa Serwaah Amponsah, is a diehard NDC person but for her diabolic aims, she has wormed herself into the NPP and has got the backing of some NPP Government Ministers who are allegedly goading her to cause the arrest of the popularly accepted Kumawuhene Barima Tweneboa Kodua V and his sub-chiefs and supporters.

The hush-hush advice given to her to suppress the other party in the ongoing Kumawu chieftaincy dispute by some NPP top persons is currently being treated by me as rumours but when the truth emerges which I hope it will, I shall then make my views known.

We did not vote, spent our time, money and efforts to campaign for Nana Akufo Addo and the NPP only for them to come to perpetrate acts of injustice right from the very inception of the formation of their government.

I now see myself as a citizen more than an NPP member. After elections, we should not camp ourselves into parties but to come together as citizens to pursue the common goal of achieving things of collective interests to all by policing and holding our politicians accountable for whatever they do.

Kumawuhemaa easily promises land and money to people but as long as the people of Kumawuman are suffering with Kumawu fast deteriorating without befitting her status as a warrior town and a commendable District head office, I shall not take it kindly to anyone or any acts that will seek to compound the suffering of the people through corrupt practices.

Unless President Nana Akufo Addo comes out to say he has now been corrupted on assumption of power because power is sweet and absolute power corrupts absolutely, he has a duty to stop his military cum police personnel terrorising the people of Kumawu and Bodomase only to satisfy the whims and caprices and the insatiable greed of the Kumawu queen and her numerous accomplices of whom Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II stands out prominently.

Many are those that are expressing disappointment in this infant NPP government but I have not bothered myself yet to know their reasons why. Is it because things are not turning out as faster as they expected or they have detected the usual Ghanaian politician symptoms/syndrome of corruption in some of the government appointees? Has it become the case of NDC and NPP the value is the same? I don't know yet.

Adofo, Rockson