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Opinions of Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Are NPPians Moral Hazards Unto Themselves?

? Unfortunately, I am at this stage still not conversant with the proper adjective to use for members belonging in the NPP family hence, addressing them wrongly or correctly as "NPPians". Please pardon me as I am without the intent to offend anyone if I have wrongly employed the word NPPian in description of the family members of the New Patriotic Party (NPP).

? I have lately come to worry about the comportment of some of the NPP members, especially, the supposedly founding members. I personally find the behaviour of Dr Charles Wereko Brobbey not only irresponsible but very damaging to the image, aspirations and the chances of NPP ever seizing power from the corrupt roguish NDC party and government. Some people also doubt the veracity of Mr Nyaho-Nyaho Tamaklo and Dr Arthur Kobina Kennedy’s allegiance to the party. ?

The timing and the avenue of their constructive or destructive criticisms of the party and her leaders are as questionable as their allegiance to the party. How could they be using the media to spill out their inner-most appalling criticisms of the party and her leadership at a critical time in the history of the party when indeed, true solid unity was of compulsory paramount significance to their genuine quest to seizing power in Ghana? Was the media the appropriate forum or platform to air their disastrous grievances that had the potential to cause the party’s defeat which indeed it did?

? The Supreme Court verdict on Election 2012 that has come under attack from all rational beings, from all directions, to tarnish the reputation of the judges and the Highest Court of the Land, did not come to me as a surprise. I warned certain members of the NPP to the fact that the judges would not base the judgment solely on the credible evidence before them but would consider other external factors as well. Which party could cause havoc to the country and the people therein if they are declared guilty, I mentioned this as a factor that would weigh heavily on the minds of the judges.

? Indeed, my fear that the NPP being too gentle and amenable could suffer defeat at the Supreme Court not just because they have no evidence but because they could not resort to violence as NDC would, even when cheated, came true to bite them hard. This was made worse by the apparent fissures intentionally caused by certain supposedly founding members of the NPP of whom Wereko Brobbey was the leading champion full of malevolence towards certain leaders in the party. ?

The Supreme Court robbing the petitioners (NPP) of the victory verdict was partly due to the disunity among them as spearheaded by malevolent Charles Wereko Brobbey. The moral decadence of some people within the party if not checked and uprooted, will always impeded the success of NPP.

? It is alleged some people within the NPP, spies of some sort, do take bribes from the NDC to work against the NPP. Such actions must cease. The NPP are too gentle to win elections. In our Ghana today, as made obvious by the Supreme Court in their pronouncement of verdict on Election 2012, elections are not won on respecting the Constitutional and Electoral laws in place to their letter and spirit but by breaking the necks or twisting the arms of such laws.

? With this little said, are NPPians not really moral hazards unto themselves? Are they not causing their own defeat by giving the NDC chance to always usurp the winning verdict from them? Nana Akufo Addo by the opinion of many a well informed Ghanaian won the election and the Supreme Court petition however, he was robbed of the winning verdict at each level.

? Think about that. I shall be back with more revealing information on why Justice Atuguba voted the NDC (Mahama) through and through as disgraceful as his actions appeared on live telecast.

? ? Rockson Adofo