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Opinions of Friday, 4 March 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Are Secret Plans Ripe for Nomadic Fulani to Register Electorally in Kumawu?

The NDC will stop at nothing in their attempts to get their party and people re-elected to power come election 2016. They have been resorting to, and testing, all dubious ideas that cross their mind provided these ideas present elements of enabling probabilities to rigging the elections in their favour.

They have been using the Chair of the Electoral Commission, Mrs Charlotte Osei, the alleged Nigerian hybrid. She, thinking to be smarter than the majority of Ghanaians, has been using a cleverer version of the Nigerian 419 to fool Ghanaians. She appoints people who are disguised NDC faithful as members of panels charged to determine how election 2016 will be conducted successfully peacefully.

The criteria for selecting those panel members are shrouded in mystery. All her actions and plans put in place are geared toward helping NDC and "Comical" President Mahama to retain power come election 2016.

Today, what interests me most that I want to share with fellow selfless, but intelligent Ghanaians, is the behaviour of one Teacher Nankwaase in Kumawu-Bodomase. This Ghanaian compatriot of northern extraction popularly going by the name "Teacher Nankwaase" was once a butcher at Kumawu-Bodomase where he still lives. He has vowed to get all the nomadic Fulani in Kumawuman to register as voters to exercise their franchise in Kumawu Constituency during election 2016. Subsequently, he has arranged for them to attend the Kumawu mosque every Friday.

These nomads are not Ghanaians. They have no Ghanaian identification papers. How can he register them as vowed? Will they be using the easy-to-obtain NHIS cards for proof of their Ghanaian identity to accord them the acceptance to register electorally?
This guy must be stopped in his evil tracks. Nowadays, every Tom, Dick and Harry with affiliation to NDC can rise up to implement any silly idea that in the end may be harmful to the collective interests of Ghanaians. For what he stands to earn as an individual, regardless of how bad the country is managed, is all that he cares about. But do the suffering ordinary Ghanaians who form the majority share his views? No! What should we do then?

Let us all be vigilant to stop Teacher Nankwaase from having a field day?

The NDC and their agents and assigns do not give a tinker's cuss about the general plight of Ghanaians hence the likes of Teacher Nankwaase always hatching plots to add to the economic burden of the ordinary Ghanaians.
Let all the good people unite to stop the materialisation of the evil plans of the NDC especially that of this nicknamed Teacher Nankwaase in discussion.

Rockson Adofo