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Opinions of Sunday, 13 January 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Are the Mighty ones Falling on the Sword of Woyome?

Hahahahaha! How laughable it is to suggest that President John Dramani Mahama has dropped Dr. Kwabena Duffour from his government because of the warning issued to him (Mahama) by the swindler of the Century, Alfred Agbesi Woyome. Alfred warned President Mahama not to award anyone muddied in his (Woyome's) swindled GHC51 Million, a post in his government. It comes therefore without surprise that people are speculating why my own Kumawu kinsman, the now said-to-be former Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, Dr. Kwabena Duffour has been dropped from the government.

I think I have a credible answer to give to all those inquisitive or curious speculators or minds wishing to assign their own malicious reasons to the unceremonious exit of Kwabena from the Mahama-led government. I was clued in about how Kwabena has it as a resolute determination not to go for a second term in any government appointment. He always loves to exit the scene after the first term when one really chalks indelible successes, leaving a footprint worthy of emulation and recognition behind. It has always been his belief that the longer you stay in post, the more you run out of useful ideas. You may have implemented or expended all the good policies you have or simply, the good in you. The more you have nothing better else to offer or add to what you have already done, you become dictatorial, clinching to the straw in whatever you do thereafter. You finally lose the plot; things begin to fall apart and the centre no longer able to hold. He always tries to avoid such unpalatable situations.

He came to serve his nation to the best of his ability. However, he sadly found himself a bedfellow of dishonest persons without integrity. He served from the wrong political party (National Democratic Congress) that is as well corrupt beyond the stretch of human imagination. Along the line, he blemished his hard won reputation by succumbing to the charlatanism mounted by the NDC party and government to enrich themselves and the party. By initiated and executed blatant acts of corruption masqueraded in judgment debt payments, the NDC cleverly got Kwabena deeply involved, he, unknowingly. In his capacity as the Finance Minister, he authorised all such payments without the slightest idea that they were all schemes employed by the NDC to dupe Ghana out of money for their selfish ends.

I had expected him to resign honourably when the Pandora's Box of judgment debt payments was opened. He was ridiculed by all and sundry to the pain of his fellow Kumawu compatriots especially, Rockson Adofo. Anyway, the harm is already done. Nobody can undo the past. I hope if ever Woyome's case comes up for serious court hearing, deliberation and ruling, and he is called upon in any capacity to testify, he will do so without fear or favour. He will tell nothing but the absolute truth to exonerate himself from any complicity.

Once more, be it known to my readers that Kwabena out of own volition decided not to stay in government. He is far better off as a businessperson as he had always been.

Adieu, to dirty politics with the NDC, I hope Kwabena was saying, waving at the NDC and Ghanaians on his exit from government and active politics.

Rockson Adofo