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Opinions of Friday, 5 March 2021

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

Are the NDC Members of Parliament serving the nation or their partisan interests?

Parliament of Ghana Parliament of Ghana

From some of the reasons so far adduced in support of rejecting some of President Nana Akufo-Addo’s ministerial nominees by the Parliamentary Appointment Vetting Committee and the press release by the NDC National Executive Council (NEC), I can smell a rat; I stand to be corrected.

They clearly appear to be serving their partisan and individualistic interests rather than the collective interest of Ghanaians and the nation.

Do they understand what meritocracy is? What bearing has one’s competence in doing a particular job on his or her self-centeredness provided the person does not breach any law or disrespects his/her seniors and subordinates?

Why should the nominee for the Agriculture Ministry, Dr Afriyie-Akoto, be rejected for being pompous if he has a proven track record of competency in that ministry? Why should Kwadwo Oppong Nkrumah be rejected on the allegation that he incited the Supreme Court to charge Dr Dominic Ayine for contempt of court when he, Dr Dominic Ayine, intentionally shrouded his intelligence as a lawyer, a law lecturer and former Attorney General in partisanship cocoon to publicly make a contemptuous pronouncement against the Supreme Court judges sitting on election 2020 petition?

Do you kill the messenger? Did the judges and Dominic himself not establish that a contempt of court had been committed as soon as Dominic, asserted during a press briefing that the Supreme Court has “a pre-determined agenda” to find the petitioner guilty?

Mrs Mavis Hawa Koomson has been rejected for not being knowledgeable about the Fisheries Ministry for which she has been nominated to head and again, for firing a warning shot in self-defence when some NDC scumbags in Kasoa had sought to attack her during the heat of the election 2020 campaign. Without any knowledge about the job to be offered to you, you cannot have it. However, in ministerial appointments, it is totally different. I have come to discover that a ministerial appointment can go to you whether you have knowledge in the field or not. You only have to hire experts to help you as long as you can read and write and with time, begin to acquire knowledge as it is with any of the on-the-job experience. This is why it is easier to reshuffle and shuffle off ministers whenever a President or a Prime Minister deems it fit to do so.

There are other five competent nominees including Dame (for Attorney General), Ursula Owusu for Communications and others whose approval have been put on hold by the NDC members on the Appointment Vetting Committee for similar preposterous reasons.

The NDC leadership as shameless, selfish and normally incompetent, diabolical and corrupt as they are, have come out purporting to issue directives to the NDC MPs both on the Appointment Vetting Committee and in parliament in general, as to what to do to punish some government nominees.

I pause to ask, are the NDC MPs in parliament to serve the nation or their NDC party alone?

The little that I have so far come across indicates that the Appointment Vetting Committee is not vested with authority to approve or reject any nominee but to investigate and report on their credibility and make recommendations to the plenary session of parliament to vote on their findings as far as each nominee is concerned.

Until I do extensive research to come out with my own understanding as may be grounded in law, I shall end here. It is not for nothing that I have no absolute respect for many a Ghanaian Member of Parliament. If they should be manipulated as puppets with strings attached to their limbs and pulled on remotely by their leaders to serve their partisan and selfish interests as hereby demonstrated by the NDC, do they expect me to respect them?

Were they voted by the Ghanaian electorate to go and serve the interests of the nation and their constituents or to go there to serve the interests of their political party and its leadership?

No wonder that black people, especially Ghanaians, are nobodies before our civilized white contemporaries.