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Opinions of Friday, 31 August 2012

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Are the NDC not Terrorists in Disguise?

"A terrorist is a person who terrorises or frightens others. To terrorise is to dominate or coerce by intimidation or to produce widespread fear by acts of violence"

From the definitions quoted above, one can well conclude who the NDC are. In every sphere of their lifestyle, one can sense or see acts of violence. When I listen to their radio phone-in serial callers and read publications by their rented journalists, I can always see the traits of intimidation. I then ask myself, are the NDC a bunch of lawless human beings, liars, crooks and insatiably greedy persons thrown out of another planet onto the earth, to be precise, Ghana, to terrorise the citizenry?

Their manufacturer (J.J. Rawlings), is even bemoaning their unprecedented acts of violence and corruption which he never foresaw becoming their inhered character when he made them. He manufactured them under Armed Forces Revolutionary Council (AFRC) on June 4, 1979. He advertised them under the Provisional National Defence Council (PNDC) on December 31, 1981. He sold them to Ghanaians in 1992 under the National Democratic Council (NDC). They have gone through metamorphosis but for the worse.

Former President J.J. Rawlings has become a target of his own handiwork. Do I say it serves him right? No, I would not. The NDC are such a dangerous bunch of people that Ghanaians should rally support to face them squarely in what may be a "bumper to bumper" head-on collision. They are stinking thieves who are depleting the coffers of Ghana at hyperbolic rate. They are always smart and are many steps ahead of Ghanaians (non-NDC) when it comes to committing acts of crime. They are attending their party Congress in Kumasi on Thursday, 30th August 2012. They will be rubber-stamping the candidacy of President Dramani Mahama as their party's flag bearer for the upcoming December 7, 2012 general elections.

I do not care how they choose their flag bearer as lawless as they are, but I do care how they have started misbehaving themselves prior to the D-Day. They have been removing the already posted New Patriotic Party (NPP) posters. I understand they have directed people from within the NDC folk or family to wear NPP T-shirts, go out in their numbers to pull down NDC posters. They will then accuse the NPP. What a perfect excuse for them to blame the NPP, and then be invigorated for a further cause of action. They will proceed on their bestial rampage, causing mayhem in Kumasi, the supposed stronghold of the NPP.

Are the NDC wise at all? Why do they think violence can earn them re-election or power instead of the implementation of sound economic and social policies? In this modern day and age, they still believe in the stupidities of the yesteryears (1979 to 2000).

Most of the NDC government Ministers and their cohorts are classical thieves. They are neck-deep in the execution of official corruption. It hurts me to see Dr. Kwabena Duffour, a native of Kumawu and Alex Adomako-Mensah, actively involved in the NDC government and party. They are clean but the mere name and their association with the Devils have tarnished them. He who sleeps with dog will soon catch fleas. As evil, corrupt and violent as the NDC are, I call on all discerning Ghanaians to vote them OUT at elections December 7, 2012. The NDC never make any sense to me at all in any private or public discourse they hold.

Rockson Adofo