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Opinions of Saturday, 30 August 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Are the NPP Also Enemies Of Ghanaians?

As Julius Caesar said, “Et tu Brute?” (And you Brutus?), so am I asking, are the NPP also enemies of Ghanaians? The on-going wrangling within the NPP, without showing any sign of abating, is a real cause of concern to the Wise One from Kumawu/Asiampa. It is in my nature never to run away from problems but either stay to solve them, or to prescribe solutions to them. That is exactly what I am going to do in a moment.

Some members of NPP in their efforts to scupper God’s own plans for Nana Akufo Addo have unknowingly become the enemies of Ghana and Ghanaians. They have vowed to prevent him from ever becoming the President of Ghana. Resolutely determined in their evil machinations as they are, they have resorted to all possible foul means as available, hence the apparent confusion, brawling and intentional defamation of character within the NPP camp.

Little did they know that by stringently remaining mired in their evilness; selfish and myopic as they appear, they are taking God Almighty on in a deadly contest? They are causing direct harm to Ghanaians in that, they are helping to prop the position of the NDC. It is all too obvious the NDC have made the ordinary Ghanaian’s life a total misery. Many a rational and suffering Ghanaian wants them out of power come 2016 election yet, by the current mischievous “pull him down “attitudes clearly and disgustingly in display by certain NPP gurus, members and sympathisers, they are helping to retain the NDC in power up to, and beyond, 2016.

I heard of, and have written about, the “NPP Agenda 2020”. This is a plan “B” by some NPP gurus rumoured to include Kwadwo Mpianim and most of the recently elected NPP National Executives, to derail the chances of NPP winning election 2016 should Nana Akufo Addo be elected the NPP flagbearer to contest the 2016 presidential elections. This is how far some NPP members, especially those who had been, and are currently, better off, can go with their wanton destruction of Nana Akufo Addo. Left to them alone, Ghana could remain in her present precarious economic state for many more years to come, although, detrimental as it is to the entire suffering Ghanaians.

The typical Ghanaian mindedness, abhorrent as it may, will have the ball go into corner instead of into goal, if they were themselves not the one scoring the goal. As long as it is not the preferred candidate of theirs (Kwadwo Mpianim et al), then NPP can lose the election regardless. How wicked can they be?

Anyway, has Nana Akufo Addo ordered that nobody competes with him for the NPP flagbeareship of which I am not aware? No, he hasn’t. Then what the heck is the Alan’s faction with Kwadwo Mpianim as the architect doing to destroy not only Nana Akufo Addo, but also, all the right thinking, although suffering, Ghanaians?

The loud silence of former President John Agyekum Kufuor over the bitter factionalism within NPP is very incomprehensible. His preferred candidate’s (Mr Alan John Kwadwo Kyeremateng) followers are those senselessly causing the problems within the NPP. Why can’t he rein him in; advising him to discourage his followers from that malicious pursuit to cause the defeat of NPP in 2016?

Is President Kufuor himself supportive of that nonsensically mischievous “NPP Agenda 2020” in pursuance by Alan Cash as spearheaded by one Katakyie Kwame Agyemang Opoku? I am once again asking; has Nana Akufo Addo barred anyone from competing with him for the NPP flagbearer position? If he hasn’t sought the ban of anyone from contesting for the NPP flagbearership, why then are all these attacks on his personality? Is there any need for the prevailing, but very unnecessary hullabaloo with intent to pull him down?

All those seeking to cause the defeat of NPP in election 2016 as explained above are the enemies of Ghanaians and God but not only Nana Akufo Addo. If they cannot market their candidate, but will choose to destroy Nana Akufo Addo, God Himself will destroy them before they attain their objective. They will sooner be awash in disgrace. They should mark my words!

Former President Kufuor must act to stop Alan Cash’s faction behaving irresponsibly to cost NPP election 2016? Kufuor has created a monster and he has to cage it before it destroys him. “A word to the wise is sufficient”.

Rockson Adofo