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Opinions of Saturday, 9 September 2023

Columnist: Prince Ibrahim

Arise for Ghana: How Fiifi Kwetey is steering the NDC to victory 2024

General Secretary of the NDC, Fiifi Kwetey General Secretary of the NDC, Fiifi Kwetey

In Ghana's vibrant political arena, where politics often dances to the rhythm of passion and entrenched party traditions, there emerges a figure who has become synonymous with transformative leadership: Fiifi Kwetey.

His story isn't just about political triumphs or strategic maneuvers; it's a tale of a boy from Ketu South who dreamt big and then turned those dreams into reality. Imagine a young Fiifi, walking through the streets of his hometown, absorbing the hopes and struggles of his people. These early experiences, these echoes of aspirations and challenges, I am sure shaped his vision for a brighter Ghana.

It's no wonder that as he grew, so did his determination to make a difference. But who is Fiifi Kwetey beyond the titles and accolades? He's a man of diverse talents and roles. His tenure as Ghana's Minister for Transport, Deputy Finance Minister, and later the Minister for Food and Agriculture, showcases a leader who isn't confined to a single domain.

Instead, he's someone who, with each role, seeks to understand the intricacies of governance and then applies this knowledge for the greater good.

His background in Economics and investment banking isn't just a testament to his academic prowess but speaks volumes about his ability to navigate the complex world of finance. It's one thing to understand numbers, but it's quite another to use this understanding to bring about macroeconomic achievements that benefit an entire nation.

Yet, amidst all these achievements, Fiifi remains grounded. His connection
to his roots, to the very soil that nurtured his dreams, ensures that he never loses sight of his primary goal: to serve the people of Ghana.

A resounding vote of confidence: Fiifi Kwetey's Ascendancy in the NDC:

The December 2022 NDC national delegates congress at the Accra sports stadium wasn't just another event; it was a defining juncture in the party's history. Delegates from across the nation, with a burning desire to see the NDC's resurgence, congregated with a singular purpose: to elect a leader who would
steer the party toward a promising future. And the choice was Fiifi Kwetey.
This decision wasn't made lightly. Fiifi Kwetey's dominance and subsequent election as the General Secretary was a strategic masterstroke.

Representing the largest demographic voting bloc of the party, his election was not only apt but also resonated with the core of the party's base. It was a clear message that the party was aligning itself with the aspirations and hopes of its most significant constituencies.

Today, as the days unfold, the wisdom of that choice becomes increasingly evident. The delegates, having placed their trust in Fiifi Kwetey, now watch with pride as he exemplifies sterling leadership, earning admiration and respect from party loyalists and sympathizers alike. His leadership style, vision,
and unwavering commitment to the NDC's ideals has reinforced the belief that the future of the party, under his guidance, is not just secure but also poised for unparalleled success.

Quietly making waves: Fiifi Kwetey's unseen efforts

Beyond the limelight, Fiifi Kwetey has been tirelessly working to strengthen the party's foundation. His media tours, spanning the Ghana Journalist Association (GJA), Graphic Communication Group, Media General, and Multimedia Group Limited, have been instrumental in building robust partnerships. These engagements, marked by mutual respect and a shared vision for Ghana, underscore the NDC's
commitment to media freedom and the collective interest of the nation.

Furthermore, his strategic appointments to the NDC leadership have been nothing short of masterful. By placing competent, hardworking, and dedicated party faithful in various directorates and administrative positions, he has ensured that the party's leadership remains in full control, from Parliament to the
grassroots ready to secure victory come December 2024.

Arise for Ghana series initiative: A game-changer for NDC:

Perhaps the most groundbreaking of Fiifi Kwetey's initiatives so far is the "ARISE FOR GHANA SERIES INITIATIVE". Coined brilliantly from the NDC's National Anthem, this initiative is not just about politics; it's about patriotism. It's a clarion call for Ghanaians to rekindle their spirit of nationalism, to rise above partisan lines, and to prioritize the nation's well-being.

Every week, the series promises to delve into non-political topics aimed at elevating the consciousness of the people, making them fall in love with Ghana all over again. The initiative's brilliance lies in its ability to reach beyond the party's boundaries, appealing to the floating and new voter population. By
Embedding the words of the NDC Anthem into the minds of Ghanaians can subtly shift their interest toward the NDC, potentially translating into a massive vote bank.

Moreover, the initiative's presence on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook aligns perfectly with the youth, ensuring that the NDC's message resonates with this crucial demographic.

The brilliance of the "Arise for Ghana" Series idea: A masterstroke by Fiifi Kwetey

In the annals of Ghana's Fourth Republic, political initiatives have come and gone, but few have the potential to leave an indelible mark on the nation's psyche as Fiifi Kwetey's "Arise for Ghana" series. This initiative launched on 5th September 2023, is not just a campaign strategy; it's a clarion call for national unity, patriotism, and a renewed sense of purpose. The "Arise for Ghana" series stands out as a beacon of innovation in political engagement. While most political campaigns are transient and often mired in partisan rhetoric, this initiative transcends party lines, speaking to the heart of every Ghanaian.

It's not about the NDC; it's about Ghana. This distinction is what makes it a masterstroke. Historically, no General Secretary in the Fourth Republic has conceptualized an initiative that so seamlessly melds political strategy with genuine nationalistic fervor. Fiifi Kwetey's vision is clear: to rekindle the spirit of patriotism among Ghanaians and to remind them of the collective responsibility they hold towards the nation's progress.

Sustaining the momentum till December elections

For the NDC, the "Arise for Ghana" series should be more than just an initiative; it must be a movement. With new engagements promised every week, it must offer a consistent touchpoint for the party to connect with the masses. Its regularity will ensure that the message remains fresh in the minds of the
electorate, building momentum as the December elections approach.

The party must throw its full weight behind this initiative. From the grassroots to the top echelons, every member of the NDC should champion the series, ensuring its widespread reach and impact. The party's communication machinery should be aligned to amplify the messages from the series, ensuring that its essence resonates with every Ghanaian, irrespective of their political affiliation.


Fiifi Kwetey's visionary leadership, underscored by his eight-point action plan he campaigned on to become the General Secretary, stands as a beacon of hope for both the NDC and Ghana. As the 2024 December elections loom, his steadfast dedication to party interests, grassroots commitment, and a nation built on courage, patriotism, and trust positions the NDC for not just electoral victory but transformative governance.

This promises a brighter future for Ghana, with leaders like Fiifi Kwetey
steering the ship. The "Arise for Ghana" series exemplifies Kwetey's innovative approach, offering a timeless initiative in a political realm often dominated by fleeting strategies. This initiative is more than just a campaign; it's a clarion call to every Ghanaian, reminding us of our nation's vast potential.

On behalf of the NDC and its myriad supporters, we express our deepest gratitude to Fiifi Kwetey. His unwavering commitment to both the party and the nation is truly commendable. As we strive towards the upcoming elections, we are bolstered by the belief that the "Arise for Ghana" series will light our path, resonating deeply with Ghanaians everywhere. To Fiifi Kwetey, our heartfelt thanks: your visionary leadership is the guiding light we've been seeking.