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Opinions of Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Arrest the obstinate and unrepentant Charlotte Osei

Charlotte Osei, Chairperson of the Electoral Commission of Ghana Charlotte Osei, Chairperson of the Electoral Commission of Ghana

By Rockson Adofo

I am calling on the National Security Agencies in charge of investigating committed crimes and major fraudulences against the State to arrest Mrs. Charlotte Osei, the Chairlady of the Electoral Commission, without delay. She has committed the mother of all electoral crimes against the people of Ghana hence calling for her arrest.

Mrs. Charlotte Osei has been known for conniving with the NDC to rig Election 2016 in their favour. This fact is easily established by all the uncovered plots she has hatched, tried to implement but constantly being negated, because of the vigilance and close monitoring of her activities and policies by the opposition parties and some concerned Ghanaian citizens.

Of all her numerously written about Plans A, B, C, etc. to rig Election 2016 in favour of the NDC and President Mahama, she has in what amounts to the last straw that broke the camel’s back, resorted to disenfranchising the majority of Ghanaian electorates.

On Thursday 1 December 2016, the day of the Special Voting where the Security personnel and Essential Services providers like Medical Doctors, Hospital Nurses, Firemen, Newsmen, nominated Electoral Commission Presiding and Returning Officers etc., were mandated to cast their votes days ahead of the actual general Election Day, something very unusual and very untoward did happen.

Most of the people who had their names to cast their special votes on that day turned up at the designated polling stations only to discover to their astonishment that their names which were previously on the displayed list had mysteriously disappeared. The old displayed lists had vanished only to be replaced by new ones with very limited names on them.

This goes to tell how Mrs. Charlotte Osei has resolutely determined to rig the Election in favour of the NDC for which her husband and herself are strong members.

Why were the old Special Voters’ lists openly displayed at the designated polling stations replaced by new ones on the day of voting? Why were some of the known special voting centres moved to other areas e.g. from Kumawu Police Station to the forecourt of the Kumawu palace where the inhabitants are predominantly NDC sympathisers?

As usual as it is her stupid excuse, Charlotte Osei has come out to say it was a mistake and that all those who could not vote but were supposed to vote would be allowed to vote on Sunday, 4 December 2016. I do not find her excuse credible enough. In case it was the general election as is scheduled for Wednesday 7 December 2016 and that mistake had been committed, would she arrange for the affected persons to vote on another day? No, she would not but rather proceed to declare the results.

If she is that incompetent to be constantly making those mistakes either intentionally or inadvertently, then I conclude she is not capable of handling the duties of the office of the Chair of the Electoral Commission. She is a total misfit in that position hence she had better be replaced, prosecuted and jailed.

The NDC are as usual coming up with their known crappy vociferously expressed defence of her whenever she is caught out doing dodgy things. My own friend, Mr. Owusu, who is an NDC activist but whom I am resolved to ensure he votes for Nana Akufo Addo and NPP this time around, has this to say, “How do you tell those who could not vote because their names were not on the lists contrary to expectation, were all going to vote for NPP; could they not have been NDC people?”

I could not stomach the depiction of utter ignorance by him so I had to cut him short and sharp. I told him regardless of which political party and persons those whose names never appeared on the lists were going to vote for, they have been disenfranchised, that is the crux of the matter.

Charlotte Osei, that criminal who has probably been hired by President Mahama to do a dirty job for him and NDC, must be summoned by the BNI to explain why that problem did occur.

If it was in any civilized country, she would have voluntarily resigned, or been forced to resign, following her uncountable commitments of her so-called mistakes but clearly intentional plots to rig the election in favour of the NDC.

Be it understood by her that “Obstinacy is the cause of the horns of the hornbill” and the blowing wind for change is mightier than her.

Shame on her!