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Opinions of Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Columnist: Agbenu, Charles

Arrests of Muntie FM panelists is a hoax

What is that I read last Saturday that Bureau of National Intimidations, BNI has officially started investigating some panelists of Muntie fm, one of the dirty add-ons of Ghana's ill-famed Radio Rwanda, for threatening to unleash mayhem on some Supreme Court and High Court judges? I tell you, it is a hoax. The marines should be told such Ananse fables. The outcome of this obvious Cantata show will surely be nothing. The authorities will not reach any meaningful legal conclusions.

It's a huge GESTAPO styled melodrama being staged to deceive the people that even NDC commentators would not be spared in the clean-up of so called rabble rousers and troublemakers from the airwaves. We are just seeing a damnable repeat of the Abuga Pele on-going charade of a trial in the infamous SADA criminal rot. Also we saw similar legal gymnastics in the Woyome case.

The objective of this recent comical 'arrests' is to create tension, intimidate and stop genuine criticisms of corrupt President Djibril Kanazoe Mahama and his irresponsible agents by the opposition in the run- up to the impending end of year general elections. BNI is just creating fertile grounds to enable it do its usual gagging and harassment of dissenting views unchallenged.

Now that BNI is appearing to have arrested NDC people, the next time NPP commentator is picked up, even on flimsy civil issue, then NPP will be dis-enabled to offer meaningful protests. No way. The requiem mass has started blaring out to put away Mahama/NDC waywardness, mediocrity and his GESTAPO cheats. It wont stop.

We must continue to be focused, vigilant and courageous. No one will be deceived by these NDC ineffective but wicked and perfidious political gymnastics. Damn NDC. Damn Kanazoe Mahama

Charles Agbenu