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Opinions of Thursday, 12 May 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Arthur Kobina Kennedy is a complete joke!

Yes, it hurts to tell the truth but in the end it brings comfort. It takes a bold, confident and a person overflowing with wisdom to tell to the face of those behaving irresponsibly that they had better mend their ways because they are acting stupid.

Arthur Kennedy is so immersed in his own ways which are deemed devious, selfish and totally out of the way. From his expressions, both written and oral, one can perfectly conclude that he holds animosity against a certain prominent politician in Ghana subsequent upon which he would rather have all Ghanaians continue to suffer under President Mahama if that will prevent that person from ever becoming the President of Ghana.

He has always been swimming upstream when simple logic requires that everyone swims downstream. Many Ghanaians are suffering and would prayerfully want to see a change in government come 2016 election. However, Arthur Kennedy, the upstream swimmer, argues differently in the hope of cunningly defeating the expectations of the majority of Ghanaians.

Even though there could be an exception to the popular axiom, “The majority is always right” where it can be said or proven that it is not always that the majority is right, Arthur Kennedy does not cease to amaze me with his negativities about NPP and their flag bearer. When majority of Ghanaians are clamouring to see them in power, he has rather jumped to the opposite side of the river bank trying all he can to bring them down, with the motive of keeping the current corrupt government in power.

My main reason for today’s write-up is about the praises he heaped on his fellow Osei Kyeretwie Secondary School alumnus, Barima Kwaku Duah, now Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, on his 66th birthday anniversary.

He said while his predecessors fought wars, he, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, has brought peace to Asanteman in particular and Ghana in general. He was full of praise for Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II. This is again where Arthur Kennedy is exhibiting his childishness, untruthfulness and lack of integrity. Is he living on another planet other than the earth where Ghanaians reside?

The fact that he resides in the US does not deny him of the true knowledge about how Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, is conducting himself dishonestly criminally. It is just that Arthur Kenney is infatuated with taking the opposing sides contrary to where the discerning majority always are.

Has Arthur Kennedy never heard about how the Managing Editor, Alhaji Suraju Musah Mohamed, of The New Free Press based at Abavana Down in Accra, came out with information or allegation on how Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II served as a conduit to facilitate the bribing of some Supreme Court judges to twist election 2012 verdict in favour of his now “yen ntie obiaa” buddy, President John Dramani Mahama?

Check the underlying web link for detail information.

If he truly did as alleged, bringing to power the most corrupt, clueless and amazingly incompetent, nepotistic, and callous President ever seen in the annals of Ghana’s politics, then Otumfuo is light years away from being the man of peace as maliciously opined by Dr Arthur Kobina Kennedy in his publication on Modernghana and other Ghanaian news outlets titled, “Otumfuor Osei Tutu II”

Check this web link:

How many innocent poor Ghanaian lives have not been lost through the untold financial or economic hardships brought to bear on Ghanaians by the directionless, but classically corrupt administration by President Mahama, the inseparable friend of Otumfuo Osei Tutu II?

How many Ashanti lives had not been lost when the NHIS Capitation was brought to Ashanti region for the trial healthcare pilot scheme envisaged by the NDC government?

Has Ashanti region not been neglected by President Mahama when it comes to the sharing of national infrastructural projects and development while his best friend, the Ashanti “Overlord”, sits and looks on unconcerned? Is this the man who has brought peace to Ghana and especially, to the Ashantis?

Does Arthur Kennedy know that Otumfuo Osei Tutu II has the deplorable tendency of reaping from where he has not sown? Does he know that he has been selling lands from divisions within Asanteman where he normally has no right to?

Arthur Kennedy had better go to find out why troubles broke out at both Peki Nos. 1 & 2 in the Ashanti region. He should find out why I have taken Otumfuo on. Has it not got to do with how he has criminally intervened in the Kumawu chieftaincy dispute; colluding with Kumawuhemaa and other cronies to impose an ineligible person on the people as their paramount chief with the intent to exploit the wealth and the people of Kumawuman. Does he not continue to hoodwink the courts, telling them lies and also claiming that no court in Ghana can reverse decisions he makes no matter how irresponsible and illegal they may be?

I am today, Tuesday 10th May 2016, writing off Dr Arthur Kobina Kennedy as a Medical Doctor who has eyes as big as the owl’s but he cannot see. He has ears as big and flabby as those of the elephant but he cannot hear. He has brain as little as that of the bird but he can churn out great lies.

He indeed needs a psychiatric attention because he is always the odd one out there when it comes to telling the truth. He always prefers to lie between his teeth.

Ghanaians are suffering. Ghanaians need liberation. Ghanaians do not require anyone who will come to worsen their already sorrowful plight but that is contrarily exactly what Arthur Kennedy wishes for them.

He can congratulate Otumfuo on his 66th birthday anniversary but not to misinform the public with statements that are purely the figment of his imagination.

Rockson Adofo