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Opinions of Thursday, 22 January 2015

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

As Delilah Caused the Downfall of Sampson, so is Kumawuhemaa Doing To Asantehene

Biblically, the strongest man ever existed, before whom Goliath would kowtow if they had met, was brought down to his knees by a woman, Delilah. Out of love for her, he revealed the secrets of his strength to this woman who passed on the information to his enemies. Eventually, he was captured, mocked at, and taken into captivity. He died a shameful death in the end.
Similarly, Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II has been lured with the bait of sex, money and promises by Kumawuhemaa. He is currently on the precipice of causing the disintegration of Asanteman. Additionally, his own quest to satisfy his insatiable greed, desirous to reap from where he has not sown, will add to the factors that will finally bring about his disastrous end.
He has no traditional right under the Sun, the Moon and the Sun, to interfere needlessly in Kumawu stool disputes, let alone, imposing someone of his choice on Kumawu as their paramount chief (Omanhene). He knows very well that the Ankaase royal family members are not matrilineal descendants of Barimah Tweneboah Koduah I, the originator of the Kumawu Koduah Stool. However, he has claimed in an Asanteman Council meeting held on 24 February 2014 that Kumawuhemaa and her Ankaase royals are rather the matrilineal descendants of Barimah Tweneboa Koduah I. This was captured on video which has gone viral with a copy posted on YouTube under the heading, "Asantehene involves in corruption"
Why should the supposed Asante Overlord behave in that inappropriate manner? The lies that he has fervently been involved in are now haunting him big time. His greed that knows no bounds, compelling him to trespass into other Divisional chiefs' area, even though the applicable traditional laws bar him from doing so, will culminate in his downfall. He has been conniving with crooks, appointing them as chiefs to enable him have access to their lands and wealth. He has done it in Kumawu, Peki near Kumasi and other areas.
I have written extensively about him and the laws but he feels is Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent to do as he wants when he wants. He claims to have built tough skin that insulates him against insults, castigations and therefore has become the champion of "Yen ntie obiaa" fanatics.
Kumawuhemaa has secretly arranged with him to lease 240,000 hectares of Kumawuman Afram Plains stool lands to a Norwegian business tycoon at US$2.50 per hectare per year for fifty years. Refer to my previously published articles to read details about this particular land sale. He wants 50% (half) of Kumawuman's money sitting in the Bank of Ghana since 1975. What a selfishly greedy chief!
I wonder how he could deceive himself and also allow Kumawuhemaa to entice him with promises she cannot deliver. Kumawuman people will not sit by while Kumawuhemaa and Asantehene toy with their lives. Rockson Adofo will not sleep when some crooks want to rape (say rob if you choose to) Kumawuman in a broad daylight.
Asantehene had better come out to apologise to Kumawuman citizens for having needlessly pushed them through sleepless nights with all his false claims on Kumawuman. He can be an overlord on the rest of Asanteman but not Kumawu. If he plays with Kumawu, he is playing with fire. And if he plays with fire, fire will burn him.
As I write, the police that connived with him and Kumawuhemaa Serwaah Amponsah to disrupt Barimah Tweneboah Koduah V's celebration of Akwasidee on Sunday 18 January 2015 have arrested nine innocent people. They planned to stop the celebrations but the sheer number of people that attended Barimah Tweneboah Koduah V's Akwasidee celebration sent fear chill down their spine. That is the moment when the fake reign of Dr Yaw Sarfo, that puppet going by the stool name Barimah Sarfo Tweneboah Koduah, died a natural death.
The police have arrested purely innocent persons. They have arrested one Mr Atta Wiredu, a teacher at Kumawu Otuo Acheampong International school for using his smart phone to video the crowd that attended the people's chief's Akwasidee celebration.
Many thanks and praises be to the Almighty God, the One who knew Barimah Tweneboah Koduah V long before he was conceived by his mum, and made him the chief of Kumawu.
Kumawuhemaa Serwaah Amponsah is the one to bring down the reign of Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II same as Delilah did to Sampson, mark my words.
Rockson Adofo