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Opinions of Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Columnist: Amankwah, Kwabena

As Jake & Co Embark On Rescue Mission

By Kwabena Amankwah
Former TESCON-UCC Secretary
[email protected]

The opposition New Patriotic Party on the 27th of February rose above the storm and proved all skeptics wrong, by holding what many have described as one of the most successful and peaceful conferences ever held in the country since the nation returned to multi-party democracy in 1992.

The comportment of the delegates was excellent; Nana Akufo-Addo and Alan Kyerematen proved there was no bad blood between them; former President Kufuor also spoke very well, all culminating into the successful conference.

Before the conference, our detractors had predicted doom, a serious brouhaha, that they believed would lead to a possible split-up, in view of the alleged attempts by the two camps to outwit each other. What our opponents wished for us could not come through because God has a mission for us: a mission to rescue his people from the hands of the National Democratic Congress.

Apostle had expected his people to celebrate the huge success of the conference together, instead of a section seeking to spoil the celebration with unwarranted vituperations. We need to learn to be good losers, by placing our parochial and sectional interest below the broad and collective interest of the party.

Here, Apostle would mince no word at condemning Tarzan and others of his ilk for what many consider as their needless attempts to cast a slur on the integrity of the process that got Jake and his team elected into office. There might be some problems with the conference. Apostle, for instance, was mad at the way the accreditation was handled – I almost boycotted the conference. But, whatever we do; whatever we say; let’s ask one question: will it help the broad interest of the NPP?

How on earth would the former Chief Executive of the defunct Ghana@50 Secretariat expect discerning kingmakers of the party he has lost touch with to elect him as the National Chairman? Oh I see! So, because he fed about 2,000 of the delegates, he felt they were under bond to vote for him.

No, Doc, NPP delegates have always known what is good for the party at any point in time. They are aware the United Ghana Movement party you formed is only on break, as you have always confirmed. As for your desire to seek the ultimate, it is welcome news for the party, particularly those who think like the 2,000 you fed at the Conference.

The outcome of the 27th February conference has sent out the strongest indication of the party’s resolve to allow itself to be used as the vessel to rescue the suffering masses from the tight grips of the Mills-led NDC government’s “killer” administration.

Jake Otanka Obetsebi-Lamptey, with the support of the only Sir in Ghanaian politics, the strongman Bamba, the beauty-queen Otiko and their colleagues, will certainly spearhead that divine rescue mission. Our political opponents and their collaborators are aware of this. That was why they greeted the three front liners with that banner headline: NPP ELECTS COLLAPSIBLE SQUAD, courtesy the Enquirer newspaper.

The intentions of our opponents have been clear. They want to take away FOCUS and CONCENTRATION from the lexicon of our leaders. PERIOD! But, I am sure Jake and Co will make sure their agenda is brought to naught. You are up to the task; that is why Apostle openly supported and campaigned for your victory.

The NDC and its collaborators have started judging and contemning Jake and some of his colleagues for offences that are yet to be determined by the Courts of the land. Aside the judgment, they claim the NPP has elected officers who do not have the capacity to face them. That should certainly be welcome news to them. But, they know how they really feel about the winning squad.

The judgment and condemnation are certainly part of the diabolical agenda to bring Jake and his squad down. But Apostle trusts in the Lord that “no weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you” (Isaiah 54:17).

Jake is certainly a servant of God who has been commissioned to lead a rescue mission. He will stand! “Who are you to judge someone else’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand.” (Romans 14: 4). No matter the propaganda, Jake and his team will stand, and succeed in their rescue mission.

The heart desire of Jake and his team is to return NPP to the corridors of power in the 2012 elections. I believe he can do it, because his election was divine. Who says the hand of God was not at work at the Conference that elected him?

Jake, where are you? Here is Apostle’s message from God for you and your winning team: “However, as for you, I will take you, and you will rule over all that your heart desires…If you do whatever I command you and walk in my ways and do what is right in my eyes by keeping my statutes and commands…, I will be with you…” (1Kings 11:37-38)

This is God’s assurance: you will lead NPP to achieve your heart desire of winning the 2012 elections. But remember the CONDITION: If you do the right thing, commanded by God. Let me remind you of some of the right things God expects from you.

FAIRNESS/FIRMNESS Jake, you need to be fair and firm in your dealings with all members of the party, giving no preferential treatment to any group of people. Remember you were elected by a Delegates’ Conference, and not a Camp Meeting. This is what will enable you enjoy the full support and co-operation of the entire, or the greater majority of the, rank and file of the party.

Being fair and firm will not only ensure discipline in the running of the party; it will also make the entire rank and file feel part of your administration. This will put the obligation on everybody to contribute their quota to ensure that you succeed in your rescue mission.

NEUTRALITY As for the word NEUTRALITY, Apostle expects you to always utter it three times whenever you finish your morning devotion and meditation, especially from now till the time we get our Presidential and parliamentary candidates. You promised it yourself; I expect you to remain slave to your own promise.

The need for neutrality even becomes more important now that who becomes our flag bearer can easily be predicted by even a Basic One pupil. Remember a losing team will always want to rely on compromised officiating to spoil the game. You owe the party a religious duty to prevent that situation for the sake of the success of your rescue mission.

PEACE You also need to ensure that members of the party are at peace with one another, by dealing with all fracases between individuals and groups, especially major stakeholders who have very important roles to play to ensure the success of your rescue mission. Remember everybody has a part to play to return the party to power. Yes, you can’t do it without Nana Akufo-Addo; you can’t do it without Alan Kyerematen; you can’t even do it without Apostle.

How about former President Kufuor? Were you told what he said after your election as the Chairman? That he did not win both the 2000 and 2004 elections with your help, but on his own strength? That is the feeling of the man you successfully worked for as a Campaign Manager in two elections. But, he is entitled to his opinion. Let’s take people as they are; not as they ought to be.

Apostle is not concerned about whether you were happy about his statement or not. The fact of the matter is that you need him to succeed – reach out to him for his help, both in kind and cash. I don’t expect him to reject your sincere overtures for help that will be in the broad interest of the party. Mr Kufuor has not forgotten his famous philosophical statement: “It is better to be a messenger in a ruling party than to be a proud General Secretary in an opposition party.”

EARLY CONGRESS Dealing with the internal fracases in the party now is good, but will not be as effective as we all expect until the end of the flagbearership contest. Let’s go ahead to elect our flag bearer as quickly as possible so that we can embark upon effective and enduring peace and unity building process.


Apostle wants to stress that Jake and his team have a divine assignment to lead the NPP to rescue Ghanaians from the killer administration of the NDC. The grounds are being prepared for the success of that rescue mission. Unity is required to accomplish that mission. The unity will come if Jake allows fairness, firmness, and neutrality to take centre stage in his administration; if measures are put in place to ensure that members of the party are at peace with one another – electing of our presidential candidate as early as possible will help this cause.

NPP is set to return to power in 2012, to rescue the people from their present unpleasant predicament. May God be with Jake and his team to accomplish that rescue mission.