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Opinions of Saturday, 28 February 2015

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Asaase Fretee Da Ho se Ennie Wura

“Asaase Fretee Da Ho se Ennie Wura, Emmu Nniema, Wo Asesa Abo Wo Bo Yi” – President Mahama

The title of this publication is not only to pay tribute to the late Gospel singer and songwriter Ms Comfort Annor, the Church of Pentecost member who composed that famous and popular song, but also, to advise President Mahama to cogitate about the lyrics. She passed on Saturday 21 February 2015 to eternity.

From the lyrics of the song, people see the vast earth as though it has no owner. They are therefore greedily plundering the earth. However, the owner shall come to demand accountability from all those egotistically, insatiably stealing from the contents of the earth.

Going back, what shall it benefit President Mahama if he gains all the wealth of the earth but loses his life? It is obvious; an undeniable fact of course, that President Mahama has been embezzling millions of Cedis from Ghana, siphoning them into his private bank accounts inside and outside the country.

I do not need to provide any documentary evidence to justify or prove my assertion. He is himself the living evidence. His own conscience will be his judge with the bible being his prosecutor and his church the court. His NDC members and NDC gurus are the principal witnesses with all discerning Ghanaians being the audience. I am not here to judge him but to make him aware of his acts that demand condemnation.

Has he never involved himself in acts of corruption since becoming the Vice President, and the President of Ghana? Does he not possess foreign bank accounts in which he is stashing, or has stashed, away, millions of stolen or illegally acquired Cedis, US$ or other foreign currencies?

If he has been scrambling for illegal wealth in whatever form and shape, let it be known to him that he will one day account for his actions before the owner of the earth (God the Creator), if not before Ghanaians. There is no way that whoever steals gluttonously in a selfish manner will escape rendering accountability for their actions before the owner of the very things he/she has stolen or deprived the owner of.

Ghanaians in their majority are suffering from otherwise preventable - diseases, deaths, hunger, and power outages etc., all because of the selfish resolve by President Mahama and his family and cronies to deplete the nation's coffers. The money meant for the provision of solutions to the mentioned problems is being squandered by the very persons entrusted to take good care of it.

He MUST bear in mind, and MUSE on the lyrics of the song of which I have partially reproduced below.

"Asaase fretee da ho se ennie Wura, emmu nniema, wo asesa abo wo obo yi; Owura no beba, beba abebusa; Owura no beba, bebu wo aten; Osikanin beba oo, ohianin beba, Opanin beba, na ak3daa nso beba; Na obiara beba oo, 3bebu no aten!

Better get a copy of the song to know exactly what the lyrics are to understand the strong spiritual message I am intuited to send to President Mahama and all those politicians stealing the wealth of Ghana at the expense of the ordinary Ghanaians as if tomorrow never comes and God does not exist to demand accountability for their actions.

It is my prayer to God that President Mahama and his cronies who are shamelessly wreaking economic havoc on Ghanaians will see the sense in the song, reform and cause the restitution of the money and treasures they have dubiously deprived Ghana of.

Additionally, it is my prayer that Ms Comfort Annor finds comfort and peace in the bosom of God Almighty.

Rockson Adofo