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Opinions of Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Columnist: Biakoye, Nana

Asabee; Spare Us Your Barmy Talk!!!

Steven Asamoah Boateng, aka Asabee, has never caught my attention the right way.

When it comes to persons I have some respect for within the NPP, Asabee certainly is not one of them.

Honestly, I would rather I paid attention to a rabbis infested dog than pay attention to Asabee.

But when Asabee decides to be extremely stupid and foolish with his sick line of reasoning and letting loose his tongue in an equally sick direction, it is extremely difficult for me not to focus my lenses on him.

Did I hear Asabee say that the BNI has no legal feet on which to stand to question Kwadwo Mpiani? Lord have mercy!!!

Today, Asabee thinks the BNI is the creation of the NDC and has no locus to question any NPP thief cum nation looter?

Where was Asabee when in 2001, his NPP Government ordered the BNI to question former President Rawlings for several hours?

Rawlings was interrogated by the BNI not because he had willfully caused financial loss to the state or stolen state funds; he was questioned because he called on right-thinking Ghanaians to positively defy the fascist reign of terror by Kufuor and his gang of marauding nation wreckers and coffers looters.

Recently, did Akufo-Addo not get high on some illegal substance and at that stupid press conference, said that he had militants whom he will let loose soon? Militants like, Frances Assiam, Ursula Owusu, Ken Kuranchie, Kabila, and co.

Did anybody invite Akufo-Addo to the BNI office for questioning?

Where was Asabee when the same NPP Government ordered the BNI to interrogate Ama Benyiwa Doe just because the NDC woman said that the Bank of Ghana was distributing fake currencies?

Where was Asabee when E.T Mensah was detained in BNI cells on the orders of the NPP Government with the reason that E.T had been overheard whispering that the plan of the NDC had succeeded; in relation to the stadium disaster which was orchestrated by Kufuor and his spiritual mentor, Eyadema, to feed the thirst of their blood-sucking gods?

Asabee must have been very busy dropping the pants of his then new-found infant lover, Zuliaka, and so may not have been aware of the existence of the BNI and how NDC functionaries were being harassed, left right and center.

And did we also hear Asabee say that Kwadwo Mpiani was being harassed?

Asabee has to audacity to talk about harassment?

Who in the NPP is being harassed, as compared to what Asabee and his goons did between 2001 and 2008?

Was it not this same Asabee, the London based taxi driver turned government official, who ordered the dismissal of Mr. Hodari Okine?

As a mere hanger-on at the seat of government, Asabee ordered the dismissal of a man who had spent over two decades serving his nation in the Immigration Service.

Just because Hodari Okine was not prepared to grant an entry visa to some Italian drug barons who were close associates of Asabee and Kufuor, Hodari was dismissed as the Deputy Director of Immigration.

Even when a court of competent jurisdiction ordered for the reinstatement of Hodari Okine, Asabee and his Government, spat in the face of the court and refused to obey the orders of the court.

So, for 8 years, Hodari Okine stayed at home without a job and without an income.

While Asabee was busy dropping the pants of innocent young girls and building his mansions, Hodari Okine and his family were chewing stones.

Where was Asabee when on the orders of his NPP Government, the BNI picked up Tsatsu Tsikata from church as if he was the one who betrayed Christ and was wanted by God?

I ask again; Where was Asabee when the NPP Government ordered the BNI to pick up Tsatsu Tsikata from church?

In those days when the narcotics peddlers were pissing and shitting on God with their despicable acts, Asabee was having fun and blowing time and so did not have anything to say.

In those days, I can bet my last penny that Asabee was getting a hard-on hearing that NDC functionaries were being hauled before the BNI to answer non-existent questions.

Asabee, as a Government official, buried his head in the pants of young girls and his new-found wealth and so when Ghanaians were crying that they were hungry, Asabee removed his head from the pants of his young girls and told us to go and eat kokonte, mango, and drink gutter water.

Yes, that is what Asabee told us.

And it is this selfsame Asabee who is jumping all over the place like a mad cow on heat and disturbing the ears of Ghanaians? Ah! Ah! Ah!

What crime “koraa” did Ghana commit such that outright swine like Asabee had government resources wasted on them in the name of being on government payroll?

Is it Asabee who is crying over nothing? Absolute nonsense!!!

Who the heck does Asabee think he is?

What is wrong with the BNI questioning Kwadwo Mpiani?

With particular reference to the Ghana @ 50 celebrations, Kwadwo Mpiani and Charles Wereko Brobbey certainly have lots of questions to answer.

Kwadwo Mpiani, as Chief of Staff, extorted huge monies from the State and private institutions, and accounted to nobody.

Indeed, Kwadwo Mpiani was bold enough to insult the people of Ghana when he appeared before Parliament and said that he was not accountable to anybody.

At the time, Mpiani, obviously thought that Ghana belonged to him and so he could do anything and get away with it.

In those days, Mpiani was buying expensive cars for his girlfriends and building his empire; he thought he would be Chief of Staff for life.

Little did he know that the day of reckoning will come!

Well, time has gone full circle and Mpiani is being made to account for his stewardship.

And for the information of idiotic characters like Asabee, no amount of political barnstorming will stop the people of Ghana from asking Mpiani to account for his stewardship.

Indeed, the good people of Ghana will not forgive President Atta Mills if his government does not ask the right and proper questions and make sure that we get Kufuor and his looting brigade to explain to Ghanaian why for 8 years, all they did, was to loot, steal and plunder.

It is quite clear that President Atta Mills has heard the cry of the people, and in line with building a Better Ghana and making government officials (past and present) account for their stewardship, has set up a Presidential Commission to look into the, wanton dissipation of the nation’s resources, as well as the daylight stealing of our monies.

Change has come to Ghana, and in building a Better Ghana, the foolishness of the Asabees of this world will not stop the laws of the land from working for Ghanaians to know the extent to which John Agyekum Kofi Diawuo “50 Cents” Kufuor and his looting brigade stole Ghana’s monies and chopped it “fuka fuka”.

Nana Biakoye.