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Opinions of Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Asantehene Is Reminded Of His Earlier Pronouncements

During the early stages of the Kumawu chieftaincy dispute brought before the Asantehene and his Asanteman Council for arbitration, an incident occurred. At one sitting, one Abena Wurukye from the Kumawu Adomako Pim “supposedly” royal family, made a strong statement on oath. On invoking the Great Oath of Asantehene (Asantehene Ntamkese), she rubbished the on-going disputation over “who are the real paramount royals of Kumawu” as it was the litigation between the Ananangyas and the Ankaases; pending before Asantehene and his Asanteman Council.

She said, “The Kumawu paramount stool as currently occupied by Nana Serwaah Amponsah belongs to me. I chose her and put her on the throne, to occupy it on my behalf. Therefore, I see no reason why two bush fowls should be fighting over booty in someone’s farm” (“Nkokohwedee mmienu nnk3ko obi afuo ase”).

Subsequently, she was slapped with counter invocation of same oath by the late family Head of the Ananangya royal family, Nana Nti Kwakye of ever blessed memory. He said, “I beg to swear by Asantehene Ntamkese that you are not a member of the royal family and not the owner of the Kumawu Koduah Stool as you allege”.

They were both traditionally arrested and made to perform the custom pertaining to such invocations and arrests. Kumawuhemaa never dared counter Wurukye’s claim to ownership of the Kumawu Koduah Stool as indicated above.

When Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II reminded Kumawuhemaa of the seriousness of Wurukye’s authoritative assertion made on oath, hoping she would counter it with invocation of an oath, she did not. He then said to her, “When Abena Wurukye in the end of this litigation with the Ananangyas is found vanquished and she is going, you will go with her”. Kumawuhemaa then said, when it comes to that point, I shall defend myself.

Asantehene, were those not the words or the statement that came forth from your mouth? In the end, after two tortuous years, intentionally or otherwise, dragging the case, Abena Wurukye was found guilty.

Why was Kumawuhemaa never automatically declared guilty following your earlier statement as stated above? In all that period, Kumawuhemaa was litigating as a member of the Ankaase “royal”? family while the Ananangyas were claiming the stool in the capacity of lineal descent of the renowned Barima Tweneboah Koduah, the Saviour of the Asante Kingdom during the days of Nana Osei Tutu I and Okomfo Anokye, the most powerful fetish priest.

In the end, you were never able to establish whether or not the Ankasses are blood relations to Barima Tweneboah Koduah as strongly refuted by the Ananagyas. All this while, you connived to throw away the credible historical facts and arguments submitted by the Ananagyas to dubiously declare your infamous “Apae” Verdict.

Additionally, you collusively arranged to wipe the Ananangyas and the Odumases from the Kumawu Koduah Stool to rather make the Ankaases the true royals and matrilineal descendants of Barima Tweneboah Koduah. I totally disagree with you. Either you do not know Kumawu history properly or you are deliberately twisting the facts to suit your own self interests of which I am aware.

Are you licking back your own vomitus as does the dog? As long as I live, by the grace of God, you can never sell the one million (1,000,000) acres of the Kumawu Afram Plains lands to the Norwegian family and Company. You can also not have one-half of the Kumawuman’s money sitting in the Bank of Ghana as promised to you by Kumawuhemaa and her candidate. Kumawuman people will never accept it as long as they are lingering in abject poverty with their towns subjected to intentional dilapidation.

I know you are walking with your stomach but believe you me, you will never get what you are dubiously pursuing. It is my duty to defend the interests of my people at any given day and time hence, what people see me doing. I do not need anyone’s authorization to do what I see as right to do. Today, many people will not understand me but tomorrow, they will.

I dare Otumfuo or his office to issue a rebuttal to this publication. When I am challenged, I feel stronger and will make bare the evidence in public. People can continue to pay unfettered allegiance to Otumfuo and his Asanteman Council but I shall not, knowing how dishonest, insincere and corrupt almost all of them are.

I shall discuss the chiefs one by one following the evidence I have and the extensive research work I have carried out.

Rockson Adofo