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Opinions of Friday, 30 October 2015

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Asantehene Never Learns Lessons From His Mistakes – Oh my Goodness!

Ghana is now bleeding to death thanks to Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II's alleged infamous interventions following the petition filed at the Supreme Court on Election 2012. Whether it was true or not, many Ghanaians did believe, and still do, that Otumfuo involved himself in an underhand deal that resulted in the "Atuguba's Supreme Court" declaring verdict in favour of his now known "Yentie Obiaa" buddy, President John Dramani Mahama. From the live telecast of the Supreme Court's hearing of Election 2012 petition, and the final 3 to 5 minutes taken to pronounce that disgraceful "quickie" judgment of Atuguba, Sophie Adinyira voted this and Gbedegbe, Baffoe Bonnie, Dotse etc. voted that, even any fool could tell who really won the case.

He can either deny it or accept it as the gospel truth if he so wishes. Whatever his denial or acceptance is, God knows best, he has to bear that in mind. If he did intervene maliciously, leading to the insurmountable socio-economic problems confronting many Ghanaians today, then he has a question to answer before God.

Suffice it to say, Asantehene will never involve himself in dubious acts after the major national problem he has thoughtlessly wickedly brought to bear heavily on majority of innocent poor Ghanaians. However, as intransigent and insatiably greedy as he is, reaping from where he has not sown, he has been causing further pains to people within the various Divisions (States) in Asanteman, formerly the Ashanti Confederacy.

He has been selling or leasing lands from these Divisions where he has absolutely no right to do that. He pockets the money. As if that is not enough, he connives with, and imposes, wrong people, on these Divisions as their Omanhene when the Stools become vacant due to the death of their occupant. A classical or vivid example is the Kumawu chieftaincy dispute where most of the facts and evidence have already been placed in the public domain, especially on the internet – Ghana news websites and YouTube.

What really infuriates many an intelligent Kumawuman citizen with local and Asanteman history knowledge is how Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II is obstinately insisting on having his way in the Kumawu chieftaincy affairs as if he is bestowed with inalienable right to do that. He has completely NO traditional or customary right to meddle in Kumawu chieftaincy affairs. I can take him on at any public forum on this issue and in the end, he will be floored.

He has been encouraging Dr Yaw Sarfo, his alleged puppet Kumawuhene Barimah Sarfo Tweneboah Koduah to insist on being the legitimate Kumawuhene. He has assured him and his handful of supporters that "Ehuru a ebedwo" so they should insist on their grounds until the public yields in to accept him as their one and only legitimate Kumawuhene, his accomplice in crime of course. "Ehuru a ebedwo" literally means any boiled water will cool down in the end which also means, the whirlwind will settle in the end.

He has been encouraging him to resist the public until the famous and most popular Kumawuhene Barimah Tweneboah Koduah V and his supporters capitulate. Does anyone see sense in what "Ashanti Nana" is doing? For all that he stands to gain; he does not give any hoot about the illegalities of his actions and how adversely needlessly they will impact on the poor Kumawuman citizens.

I assure him that as long as God Almighty is at work in the Kumawu chieftaincy case, the whirlwind will eventually settle to bring more shame upon his head. For that I can promise him.

I wonder why he does not want to learn from his mistakes but rather continues to wallow or paddle in ignorance and sheer obstinacy. To him I say, "Obstinacy is the cause of the horns of the hornbill"

Who are the main advisors to Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II? Is his wife Lady Lydia one of them? Are they happy about his actions and the concomitant insults he suffers? Are they good advisors at all?

I am offering him one simple free advice, but will he take it in good faith, is the question. If he does, it will be better for him. Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, please be a man, own up and man up to your mistakes. It takes a man to swallow his pride to say SORRY. You have done many wrongs to Ghana and especially, to the people of Kumawuman.

You can continue to advise the ignorant sub-chiefs in Kumawu to do your bidding. God willing, we shall not only resist them but also, prevail over them. They can continue to remove funeral posters bearing Barimah Tweneboah Koduah V's name to take to the police station, but who cares?

As long as I am armed to the teeth with facts on Kumawu chieftaincy as well as the developments following Barimah Asumadu Sakyi II's demise, Asantehene will get nowhere no matter how far he manipulates the courts and judges in Ghana. Anyway, does ace investigative journalist Anas Aremeyaw Anas' recent work exposing some corrupt judges in Ghana serve any lesson to him?

Rockson Adofo