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Opinions of Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Columnist: Sangaparee, Clement

Ashanti Regional Minister Must Apologise

The Ashanti Regional Minister Must Apologise To The Cadres Or Resign Honourably

Many cadres were extremely shocked to read a front page report in the “Chronicle” of Thursday April 26th 2011 in which Dr. Kwaku Agyeman Mensah, the Ashanti Regional Minister was quoted as Saying that “Mr. Peter Anarfi Mensah, the Headmaster of Tepa Senior High School who was appointed as the new Co-ordinating Director for the Ashanti Regional Co-ordinating Council was deliberately stopped by the Regional Minister on flimsy excuses coupled with fat lies written to the President of Ghana just because he is a Rawlings Boy. He added that he feels comfortable with the incumbent director who is a native of his hometown. The Minister stated that Peter Anarfi Mensah is in – experienced and also a Rawlings Boy so he can not work with him, and he has since NOT DENIED THAT REPORT.

For his information, cadres will no longer sit down and allow some NDC government appointees whose umbilical cords are NOT TIED TO THE NDC to destroy the party and the government with their DIVISIVE and RECKLESS statements at all. Mr. Anarfi Mensah was appointed by the Public Services Commission after he passed through the necessary procedures after applying for the job and went on to pass that interview. It was NOT you the (minister) who interviewed and passed him so why are you playing hide and seek with him since February 2011? You see; if you don’t help to build, don’t destroy the party for us. Chains of degrees does NOT make one a good politician because the C.D.R cadres whom you love to hate actually projected NONENTIIES TO FAME and also DRESSED KNOWN CROOKS in this country with SAINTLY GARBS all in the spirit of National Reconciliation but it all hit the rocks. Let me remind you that despite your chains of degrees you are no match to any Rawlings Boy in the party because you are a tall political novice.

If you can’t work with Rawlings Boys, you better resign because you are surrounded by Rawlings’ Boys in the Region namely – The Ashanti Regional NDC chairman, Mr. Yaw Obimpeh is a cadre and by extension, he is a Rawlings’ Boy – (2) The Ashanti Regional Organiser of the NDC, Alhaji Saani Junior is a cadre and by extension a Rawling’s Boy. Are you going to close your doors to them whenever they visit your office or what? You should also refuse the appointment by the sitting president of the Republic of Ghana, because he is the Number one Senior Rawlings’ Boy because Rawlings single handedly chose him against bitter opposition from his own cadres at Swedru in 1998 and ensured that he became the President of Ghana after he contested the general elections in Ghana. Dissenting Cadres were picked up and dumped in military guard rooms and BNI cells on the orders of Rawlings. Just because of Professor Mills – Where were you? It is only those who are repeating where they did NOT sow who hate the cadres and they are kicking against a very hard rock which will break their feet because the cadres have come to stay in the NDC forever because they are the party’s foundation. You have disgraced the sitting President as well as yourself by trying to stop somebody whose appointment is not a political one. Gentleman, you asked for war, and now, you have it. Naturally, if you put a uniform on a goat, it will behave strangely because it has never worn a uniform before. Without apology to any one, whoever hates Rawlings and his wife must leave the NDC party and join the NPP or form his own party since all planted moles in the NDC will be smoked out like rats in the government, for we will NOT SIT DOWN for such moles in the party to destroy it and tear it apart and use their chains of degrees to go and find lucrative jobs elsewhere while we suffer at the grassroots again. So many people are saying that the reckless utterances of the Ashanti Regional Minister is a Cabinet Decision but I beg to disagree totally with them on the basis that President Mills has surpassed former President Rawlings by appointing scores of cadres into his government.
Here is a list of some of them:
1. Hon. Martin Amidu – Minister for Interior
2. Hon. Nyamekye Marfo – Brong-Ahafo Regional Minister
3. Hon. Joseph Yiele Chire – Minister for Health
4. Hon. Ohene Agyekum – Ambassador to the USA
5. Hon. Dan Abodakpi – Ambassador to Malaysia
6. Hon. Ama Beiyiwah Doe – Central Regional Minister
7. Hon. Toy Aidoo – National Development Planning Commission
8. Hon. E.T Mensah – Minister for Employment of Social Welfare
9. Hon. Yaw Akrosi Sarpong – Executive Seatey – NACOB
10. Hon. Kofi Portuply – National Cordinator – NADMO
11. Hon. P.V. Obeng – Former President Adviser on Government
Affairs in the PNDC Still in government.
12. Hon. Kofi Totobi Quakyi – Former National Security Minister
13. Brigadier Gen. Nunoo Mensah – The National Security Adviser who
replied Ghana’s opposition members who were asking the PNDC to
hand over to them in 1982, that the PNDC should hand over to whom? It was a
famous answer.
14. There are more than 52 cadres in t he National Security Set up whose names I will not mention for security reasons. I have just mentioned a few. Will the Ashanti Regional Minister demand the dismissal of the above mentioned hardworking patriots, just because they are all Rawlings’ Boys or what? The minister does not know what he is talking about or is he intoxicated with political power and decide to do what he likes in the region. Cadres were NOT TRAINED by Rawlings to become BOOTLICKERS or SYCOPHANTS because we (cadres) are Assets to the NDC government and not liabilities like some government appointees in the NDC who are busily blocking the forward movement of the President’s Better Ghana Agenda like this minister and so if Hon. Opoku Manu was Bad, this minister will surpass him by becoming WORSE in a Region that is not the stronghold of the NDC party because of his utterances and bully tactics. Who is now destroying Prez. Mills’ Government today? His own Appointees led by the Ashanti Regional Minister who wants to work with people from his hometown. The president did NOT APPOINT you to come and divide the party in the Ashanti Region. We are waiting for the re-action of His Excellency President J. E. A Mills, because the NDC does NOT ENCOURAGE NEPOTISM AT ALL. What is coming, is coming and what will happen, will happen. Check it out. Cadres will never under mine any appointee, but when they become UN TOUCHEABLE DEMIGODS, we shall call them to order and damn the consequences because without the support of the people, ALL APPOINTEES ARE NOTHING. We urge the government to appoint people who can do the job and NOT THOSE WHO WANT THE JOB and when appointed, they embarrass and also disgrace the government and the party in general. As the Regional Minister, you are the leader of the party and your duty is to UNITE THE PARTY and not DIVIDE IT like you are doing. You are a liability to the party and the government; better resign before the people of this political active region descend on you. As the National Secretariat of the NDC, we have Dr. Kwabena Agyei – National Chairman of the party who is a cadre and by extension, a Rawlings Boy. Johnson Asiedu Nketia – General Secretary of the NDC is also a cadre and a Rawlings’ Boy.

Alhaji Huudu Yahaya – First National Vice Chairman is a cadre, as well as Yaw Boateng Gyan, National Organiser of the NDC, and if you can’t work with cadres who are tagged Rawlings’ Boys, don’t you know that your TIME IS UP for you to run away and leave your office for somebody to occupy – worse still, Hon. Samuel Sarpong, the KMA BOSS is also a cadre and by extension a Rawlings’ Boy, and I don’t think you can work with him too, or don’t you know that?

Mr. Minister, you have stirred the honest nest and the bees will fly. These are not my words but I believe it is the stubborn truth that must be told even if the heavens fall. Is that clear? You must expect more re-actions from several cadre groups since this is the tip of the iceberg. Henceforth, cadres will never sit down and allow some foul mouthed appointees who are not even qualified enough to polish the shoes of Rawlings and his wife to insult them at all. Hon. Minister. Rawlings’ Boy here, Rawlings’ Boy, there, Rawlings’ Boys every where, we are fed up with you people.

Your impossible attempt to destroy the Rawlings’ boys by using some MCE s and DCE’s in the Region has back fired because when it comes to Politics in Ghana, the so–called Rawlings Boys are several miles ahead of these appointees who have ganged up to destroy them. You are now surrounded by several Rawlings’ boys whom you love to hate, you are in a big hole and if you want to come out of it, then stop digging, is that clear?

We don’t have Rawlings’ Boys and Mills’ Boys in the NDC, we rather have the OLD RAWLINGS’ BOYS led by Jerry Rawlings and the NEW RAWLINGS’ BOYS led by Prez. J. E. A. Mills who is the Senior Rawlings’ Boy and he has appointed several Junior Rawlings’ Boys comprising both the old and new Rawlings Boys, so any appointee in the NDC government who hates Rawlings for what he stood for, and still stands for today, must RESIGN from his post because if Prez. Mills had agreed with him and have become the President of Ghana because of Rawlings and you refuse to obey him – It is better you leave the system for Good. Politics is a game of numbers but a game of Negative Numbers in politics can never win an election on the ticket of ANY POLITICAL PARTY world wide. Cadres have gone to Hell with Rawlings and his wife and back, they again passed through the mill with President Mills and back in 2009, that is why the President is called Mills, so do not joke with these Rawlings’ Boys at all for they are both zu-zu and za-za with only one goal, just to ensure that the NDC remain in power for a long time. Is any body listening? I am done, I shall return when the need arise. “Jaanbie Iwaii”


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